P. 15

Unit 1: Sets and Numbers

          This raises another question: Under what conditions a function is as an inverse? If a function  Notes
          f: ST is one-one and onto, then it is invertible * conversely, if f is invertible, then f is both
          one-one and onto. Thus if a function is one-one and onto, then it must have an Inverse.

          1.2 System of Real Numbers

          You are quite familiar with some number systems and some  of their  properties. You  will,
          perhaps recall the following properties:

          (i)  Any number multiplied by zero is equal to zero,
          (ii)  The product of a positive number with a negative number is negative,
          (iii)  The product of a negative number with a negative number is positive among takers.

          To illustrate these properties, you will most likely use the natural numbers or integers or even
          rational numbers. The questions, which begin to arise  are: What  are these various types of
          numbers? What properties characterise the distinction between these various sets of numbers?

          In this section, we shall try to provide answers to these and many other related questions. Since
          we are dealing with the course on Real Analysis, therefore we confine our discussion to the
          system of real numbers. Nevertheless, we shall make you peep into the realm of a still larger
          class of numbers, the so called complex numbers.

          The system of real numbers has been evolved in different ways by different mathematicians. In
          the late 19th Century, the two famous German mathematicians Richard Dedekind [1815-1897]
          and George Cantor [1845-1918] gave two independent approaches for the construction of real
          numbers. During the same time, an Italian mathematician, G. Peano [1858-1932] defined the
          natural numbers by the well-known Peano Axioms. However, we start with the set of natural
          numbers as the foundation and build up the integers. From integers, we construct the rational
          numbers and then through the set of rational numbers, we reach the stage of real numbers. This
          development of number system culminates into the set of complex numbers. A detailed study of
          the system of numbers leads us to a beautiful branch of Mathematics namely. The Number Theory,
          which is beyond the scope of this course. However, we shall outline the general development of
          the system of the real numbers in this section. This is crucial to understand the characterization
          of the real numbers in terms of the algebraic structure to be discussed in Unit 2. Let us start our
          discussion with the natural numbers.
          1.2.1  Natural  Numbers

          The notion of a number and its counting is so old that it is difficult to trace its origin. It developed
          much before the time of even the recorded history that its manner of development is based on
          conjectures and guesses. The mankind,  even in the most primitive times, had some number
          sense. The man, at least, had the sense of recognizing ‘more’ and ‘less’, when some objects were
          added to or taken out from a small collection. Studies have  shown that  even some animals
          possess such a sense. With the gradual evolution of society, simple counting became imperative.
          A tribe had to count how many members it had, how many enemies and how many friends. A
          shepherd or a cowboy found it necessary to know if his flock of sheep or cows was decreasing or
          increasing in size. Various ways were evolved to keep such a count. Stones, pebbles, scratches on
          the ground, notches on a big piece of wood, small sticks, knots in a string or the fingers of hands
          were used for this purpose. As a result of several refinements of these counting methods, the
          numbers were expressed in the written symbols of various types called the digits. These digits
          were written differently according to the different languages and cultures of the societies. In the
          ultimate development, the numbers denoted by the digits 1, 2, 3, .... became universally acceptable
          and were named as natural numbers.

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