P. 282

Real Analysis

                    Notes          Therefore, with the help of (28), applied to partitions of [a, x], (f )   (g )  = g  and  h   =
                                                                                         i      i     i      i
                                   (–h )   (f ) .
                                      i     i
                                   Hence P (f, [a, x])  P (g, [a, x]) = g(x) – g(a). Similarly, h(x) – h(a) = N (–h, [a, x])  N (f, [a, x]).
                                                                                                    
                                   When, in each case, we take the supremum over all |[a, x], we get P(x)  g(x) – g(a) and N(x)   h(x)
                                   – h(a). These ”say” that there is no “wasted cancellation” in the formula f(x) = f(a) + P(x) – N(x).
                                      Task  Prove that if f(x) Î BV[a, b] and f(x) is continuous at x  Î [a, b] then so are P(x), N(x)
                                     and V(x).
                                   Self Assessment

                                   Fill in the blanks:
                                   1.  A ..................................... f(x) defined on the bounded and closed interval [a, b] is Riemann-
                                       Stieltjes integrable on [a, b] with respect to  if there exists a number RSI such that for all
                                        > 0 there exists  > 0 such that for every partition  of [a, b],
                                                   mesh() <   |RS(f, ) – RSI| < .
                                   2.  If f is Riemann integrable on [a, b] then f is .................................
                                   3.  If (x) is defined for x Î [a, b], we denote by  = (, [a, b]) the set of all c Î [a, b] such that
                                       every open interval U that contains c contains x  < c < x  with .....................................
                                                                             1      2
                                   4.  If f is ........................................... on [a, b] with respect to  then f is bounded on (, [a, b]).
                                   5.  If f and  have a ................................... at the same point, then the Riemann-Stieltjes integral
                                       does not exist.

                                   22.7 Summary

                                      A Riemann-Stieltjes sum for a function f(x) defined on an interval [a, b] is formed with the
                                       help of
                                       (a)  A partition  of [a, b], namely an ordered, finite set of points x, with a = x  < x  < <
                                                                                             i        0  1
                                            x  = b (where n is a positive integer that can be any positive integer, and one that we
                                            will often write as n = n ),
                                       (b)  A selection vector  = ( , ...,  ) that has n  components that must satisfy x      x ,
                                                               1    n                                 i – 1   i  i
                                            for i = 1, 2, ..., n. and
                                       (c)  An integrator (x), which is a function defined on [a, b] that plays the role of the x in
                                            dx ...
                                            A Riemann-Stieltjes sum for f over [a, b] with respect to the partition , using the
                                            selection vector , and integrator , may be denoted (in greatest detail!) as follows,
                                            and it is given by the value of the sum following it:
                                                                n 
                                       (d)  RS (f, , [a, b], , ):=  å  f( )( (x ) -  (x i 1  )) .
                                                                i 1
                                       We try to allow context to let us drop some of the items inside the RS(...).
                                      In this definition, as in the Riemann-sums definition, we can write x := x —x   or  :=
                                                                                                i  i  i – 1  i
                                       (x ) –(x  ). These are convenient because they are short and suggest the dx or d in an
                                          i    i – 1
                                       integral. But they can cause confusion because they leave out the dependence they have on
                                       x  . The x  is used in the Riemann-Stieltjes context.
                                        i – 1    i
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