P. 87
Unit 6: Completeness
6.4 Contraction Mapping Theorem Notes
Definition: f : M M contraction if k < 1 s.t.
d(f(x), f(y)) kd(x, y) " x, y M
Theorem: Banach
If f contraction on complete metric M then f has unique fixed point.
Proof: Uniqueness: If f(x) = x, f(y) = y then
d(x, y) = d(f(x), f(y)) kd(x, y) d(x, y) = 0
Existence: Pick x M, x = f(f ). By repeated application of the contraction property we get that
0 n+1 n
d(x, x ) k d(x , x ). å j 1 k d(x , x ) so (x ) Cauchy.
j j+1 0 1 0 1 n
M complete so x x M, so f(x ) f(x). But also f(x ) = x x so f(x) = x.
n n n n+1
6.5 Total Boundedness
Definition: Metric M totally bounded if " > 0 finite set F M s.t. M x F B(x, ) .
Proposition: Subspace M of metric N is totally bounded iff " > 0 finite H N s.t. M
z H B(z, ) .
Proof: () Obvious.
() Given > 0 let H N be finite set s.t. M z H B (z, ) . From each non-empty M B(z, )
2 2
pick one point. Let F be set of these points.
F M finite.
If y M then y in one of B (z, ) so M B (z, ) so x M B (z, ). Hence y B(x, ) and
2 2 2
M z F B(z, ) .
Corollary: Subspace of totally bounded metric space is totally bounded.
Theorem: Metric M totally bounded iff every sequence in M has Cauchy subsequence.
Proof: () Let x M. M covered by finitely many balls radius 1/2 so B s.t. N = {n : x B }
n 1 1 n 1
has |N | = .
Suppose inductively have defined infinite N . Since M covered by finitely many balls of
radius one ball B s.t. N = {n N : x B } is infinite.
2k k k k–1 n k
Let n(1) be least element of N , n(k) least element of N s.t. n(k) > n(k – 1).
1 k
Then (x (k) ) ( ) s.t. " k x B for i k. Hence d(x , x ) < " i, j k so (x ) Cauchy.
n n 1 n n 1= n(i) k n(i) n(j) k n(k)
() Suppose M not totally bounded. Then for some > 0 / finite F with all points of M within
of it. Choose x M, inductively x s.t. d(x , x ) " i < k. x exists by assumption M not totally
1 k k i k
This gives sequence (x ) = s.t. d(x , x) " i j. Then no subsequence of (x ) Cauchy.
k k 1