P. 176

Unit 15: Tensors in Cartesian Coordinates

          Choosing another base  e ,e ,e ,  and repeating this operation we get                 Notes
                                
                                          1 i ...i
                                        Y   1 j ...j  s r    X   1 i ...i r s .  ...(2)
                                                 1 j ....j
          Exercise 15.22: Prove that arrays  Y 1 j ...j s r  and Y 1 j ....j  are related to each other in the same way as
                                       1 i ...i
                                               1 i ...i
          arrays  X  1 i ...i r s   X  1 i ...i r s ,  i.e. according  to transformation formulas. In doing this you prove that
                  1 j ...j
                        1 j ....j
          formula (1) applied in all bases produces new tensor Y = X from initial tensor X.
          Formula (1) defines the multiplication of tensors by numbers. In exercise 15.22 you prove its
          consistence. The next formula defines the addition of tensors:
                                      X  1 i ...i r    Y  1 i ...i r    Z  1 i ...i r .  ...(3)
                                        1 j ...j s  1 j ....j s  1 j ...j s
          Having two tensors X and Y both of type (r, s) we produce a third tensor Z of the same type (r, s)
          by means of formula (3). It’s natural to denote Z = X + Y.
          Exercise 2.1: By analogy with exercise 15.22 prove the consistence of formula (3).
          Exercise 3.1: What happens if we multiply tensor X by the number zero and by the number
          minus one? What would you call the resulting tensors?

          15.8 Tensor Product

          The tensor product is defined by a more tricky formula. Suppose we have tensor X of type (r, s)
          and tensor Y of type (p, q), then we can write:

                                     Z  1 i ...i r p    X  1 i ...i r s Y j  i  r 1 ...i s p   .  ...(1)
                                                    r p
                                                  s 1 ...j
                                       1 j ...j
                                              1 j ....j
                                         s p
          Formula (1) produces new tensor Z of the type (r + p, s + q). It is called the tensor product of X and
          Y and denoted Z = X   Y. Don’t mix the tensor product and the cross product. They are different.
          Exercise 15.23: By analogy prove the consistence of formula (1).
          Exercise 15.24: Give an example of two tensors such that X    Y  Y    X.
          15.9 Contraction

          As we have seen above, the tensor product increases the number of indices. Usually the tensor
          Z = X    Y has more indices than X and Y. Contraction is an operation that decreases the number
          of indices. Suppose we have tensor X of the type (r + 1, s + 1). Then we can produce tensor Z of
          type (r, s) by means of the following formula:

                                     Z  1 i ....i s  X  1 i ...i k 1 j ...j  r .  ...(1)
                                                 m 1 i ...i
                                       1 j ...j
                                               1 j ...j  
                                            1    k  s
          What we do ? Tensor X has at least one upper index and at least one lower index. We choose the
          m-th upper index and replace it by the summation index . In the same way, we replace the k-th
          lower index by . Other r upper indices and s lower indices are free. They are numerated in some
          convenient way, say as in formula (1). Then we perform summation with respect to index . The
          contraction  is  over. This  operation  is  called  a  contraction with  respect  to  m-th  upper  and
          k-th lower indices. Thus, if we have many upper an many lower indices in tensor X, we can
          perform various types of contractions to this tensor.

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