P. 390

Unit 30: Geodesic Curvature and Christoffel Symbols

          Theorem 7: Let E, F, G, L, M, N be any C3-continuous functions on some open set U   , and  Notes
          such that E > 0, G > 0, and EG  – F  > 0. If these functions  satisfy the Gauss  formula (of the
          Theorema Egregium) and the Codazzi-Mainardi equations, then for every (u, v)  U, there is an
          open set   U such that (u, v)  , and a surface X :   E  such that X is a diffeomorphism, and
          E, F, G are the coefficients of the first fundamental form of X, and L, M, N are the coefficients of
          the second fundamental form of X. Furthermore, if  is connected, then X() is unique up to a
          rigid  motion.

          30.8 Lines of Curvature, Geodesic Torsion, Asymptotic Lines

          Given a surface X,  certain curves on the surface play a special role, for example,  the  curves
          corresponding to the directions in which the curvature is maximum or minimum.
          Definition 3: Given a surface X, a line of curvature is a curve C : t  X(u(t), v(t)) on X defined on
          some open interval I, and having the property that for every t  I, the tangent vector C’(t) is
          collinear with one of the principal directions at X(u(t), v(t)).

             Notes   we are assuming that no point on a line of curvature is either a planar point or
             an umbilical point, since principal directions are undefined as such points.

          The differential equation defining lines of curvature can be found as follows:
          Remember from lemma that the principal directions are the eigenvectors of dN (u,v) .
          Therefore, we can find the differential equation defining the lines of curvature by eliminating k
          from the two equations from the proof of lemma:

                                   MF – LG  u'   NF – MG  v'   ku',
                                    EG – F 2   EG – F 2

                                    LF – ME   MF – NE     kv.
                                    EG – F 2  u'   EG – F 2  v'  

          It is not hard to show that the resulting equation can be written as

                                         (v') 2   u'u'  (u') 
                                                      
                                     det  E   F     G    0.
                                                      
                                          L   M     N 
                                                      
          From the above equation, we see that the u-lines and the v-lines are the lines of curvatures iff F
          = M = 0.
          Generally, this differential equation does not have closed-form solutions.
          There is another notion which is useful in understanding lines of curvature, the geodesic torsion.
          Let C : S  X(u(s), v(s)) be a curve on X assumed to be parameterized by arc length, and let X(u(0),
          v(0)) be a point on the surface X, and assume that this point is neither a planar point nor an
          umbilic, so that the principal directions are defined.

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