P. 252

Unit 26: Splitting Fields, Existence and Uniqueness

          In the above proof, the monic polynomial p(x) of minimal degree in K[x] such that p(u) = 0 is  Notes
          called the minimal polynomial of u over K, and its degree is called the degree of u over K.
          Let F be an extension field of K, and let u , u , ..., u   F. The smallest subfield of F that contains
          K and u , u ,..., u  will be denoted by K(u , u ,..., u ). It is called the extension field of K generated
          by u1, u ,...., u . If F = K(u) for a single element u  F, then F is said to be a simple extension of K.
          Let F be an extension field of K, and let u  F. Since K(u) is a field, it must contain all elements of
          the form
                                     a  + a u + a u  + ... + a u m  ,
                                     b  + b u + b u  + ... + b u n
          where a , b  K for i = 1,..., m and j = 1,... n. In fact, this set describes K(u), and if u is transcendental
          over K, this description cannot be simplified. On the other hand, if u is algebraic over K, then the
          denominator in the above expression is unnecessary, and the degree of the numerator can be
          assumed to be less than the degree of the minimal polynomial of u over K.
          If F  is  an extension  field of  K,  then  the multiplication  of  F defines  a  scalar  multiplication,
          considering the elements of  K as  scalars and  the elements of  F  as vectors.  This gives  F  the
          structure of a vector space over K, and allows us to make use of the concept of the dimension of
          a vector space. The next  result describes the structure of the extension field obtained by adjoining
          an algebraic element.
          Definition: Let F be an extension field of K and let u  F be an element algebraic over K.
          (a)  K(u)  K[x]= hp(x)i, where p(x) is the minimal polynomial of u over K.
          (b)  If the minimal polynomial of u over K has degree n, then K(u) is an n-dimensional vector
               space over K.
          Alternate proof: The  standard proof uses the ring homomorphism   : K[x]  F  defined  by
          evaluation at u. Then the image of  is K(u), and the kernel is the ideal of K[x] generated by the
          minimal polynomial p(x) of u over K. Since p(x) is irreducible, ker() is a prime ideal, and so
          K[x] = ker() is a field because every nonzero prime ideal of a principal ideal domain is maximal.
          Thus K(u) is a field since K(u) 245= K[x]= ker().
          The usual proof involves some ring theory, but the actual ideas of the proof are much simpler.
          To give an elementary proof, define  : K[x]= {p(x)}  K(u) by ([f(x)]) = f(u), for all congruence
          classes [f(x)] of polynomials (modulo p(x)). This mapping makes sense because K(u) contains u,
          together with all of the elements of K, and so it must contain any expression of the form a  +a u+
          ... +  a u , where  a     K, for  each subscript i.  The function   is well-defined, since it is  also
          independent of the choice of a representative of [f(x)]. In fact, if g(x)  K[x] and f(x) is equivalent
          to g(x), then f(x) – g(x) = q(x)p(x) for some q(x)  K[x], and so f(u) – g(u) = q(u)p(u) = 0, showing
          that ([f(x)]) = ([g(x)]).
          Since the function  simply substitutes u into the polynomial f(x), and it is not difficult to show
          that it  preserves addition  and  multiplication.  It follows  from the  definition  of  p(x) that  
          is one-to-one. Suppose that f(x)  represents a  nonzero congruence class in K[x]= {p(x)}. Then
          p(x)  | f(x), and so f(x) is relatively prime to p(x) since it is irreducible. Therefore, there exist
          polynomials a(x) and b(x) in K[x] such that a(x)f(x) + b(x)p(x) = 1. It follows that [a(x)][f(x)] = [1]
          for the corresponding equivalence classes, and this shows that K[x] /{p(x)} is a field. Thus the
          image E of  in F must be subfield of F. On the one hand, E contains u and K, and on the other
          hand, we have already shown that E must contain any expression of the form a  + a u + ... + a u ,
          where a   K. It follows that E = K(u), and we have the desired isomorphism.
          (b)  It follows from the  description of K(u) in part (a)  that if  p(x) has degree  n, then the  set
          B = {1, u, u ,..., u } is a basis for K(u) over K.
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