P. 256

Sachin Kaushal, Lovely Professional University                               Unit 27: Separable Extensions

                             Unit 27: Separable Extensions                                      Notes


             27.1 Separability
             27.2 Summary
             27.3 Keywords
             27.4 Review Questions

             27.5 Further Readings


          After studying this unit, you will be able to:
               Define separability
               Discuss examples related to separable extension

          In the last unit, you have studied about the splitting field and extension field. This unit will
          provide you information related to separable extension.

          27.1 Separability

          Separability of  a finite field extension  L/K can  be described  in several  different ways.  The
          original  definition is  that every  element of  L  is separable  over K  (that  is, has  a  separable
          minimal polynomial in K[X]). We will give here three descriptions of separability for a finite
          extension and use each of them to prove two theorems about separable extensions.
          Theorem 1: Let L/K be a finite extension. Then L/K is separable if and only if the trace function
          Tr L/K  : L  K is not identically 0.
          The trace function is discussed in Appendix A.

          Theorem 2: Let L/K be a finite extension. Then L/K is separable if and only if the ring  K  K  L
          has no non-zero nilpotent elements. When L/K is separable, the ring  K  K L  is isomorphic to

          K [L:K] .

                Example: Consider the extension Q( 2 )=Q. Since Q( 2 )  Q[X]/(X – 2), tensoring with
          Q  gives  Q  Q Q   ; Q[X]/(X   2)   Q[X]/((X   2)(X   2)  Q Q,
          which is a product of 2 copies of  Q  (associated to the 2 roots of X  2) and has no nilpotent
          elements besides 0.

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