P. 137

Unit 9: Variance of a Random Variable and their Properties

            9.2 Summary                                                                           Notes

                The mean and variance of a random variable can be computed in a manner similar to the
                 computation of mean and variance of the variable of a frequency distribution.

                If X is a discrete random variable which can take values X , X , ..... X , with respective
                                                                 1  2     n
                 probabilities as p(X ), p(X ), ...... p(X ), then its mean, also known as the Mathematical
                                 1    2       n
                 Expectation or Expected Value of X, is given by:
                 E(X) = X p(X ) + X p(X ) + ...... + X p(X )     X p(X ) .
                       1   1   2  2        n   n      i  i
                                                  i 1
                 The mean of a random variable or its probability distribution is often denoted by , i.e.,
                 E(X) = .
                 Remarks: The mean of a frequency distribution can be written as

                    f     f           f
                 X .  1    X .  2     ......    X .  n  , which is identical to the expression for expected value.
                  1      2          n
                    N     N           N
                The concept of variance of a random variable or its probability distribution is also similar
                 to the concept of the variance of a frequency distribution.
                 The variance of a frequency distribution is given by
                     1          2          2 f                2
                       i   f X   X     X   X  .  i   = Mean of  X   X   values.
                     N                      N
                 The expression for variance of a probability distribution with mean  can be written in a
                 similar way, as given below :
                    E X       X      , where X is a discrete random variable.
                                       p X
                              i 1
            9.3 Keywords
            Random variable: If X is a discrete random variable which can take values X , X , ..... X , with
                                                                          1  2     n
            respective probabilities as p(X ), p(X ), ...... p(X ), then its mean, also known as the Mathematical
                                    1    2       n
            Expectation or Expected Value of X, is given by:
                 E(X) = X p(X ) + X p(X ) + ...... + X p(X )     X p(X ) .
                       1   1   2  2        n   n      i  i
                                                  i 1
            Variance: The concept of variance of a random variable or its probability distribution is also
            similar to the concept of the variance of a frequency distribution.
            Continuous random: If X is a continuous random variable with  probability density function
            p(X), then
                        E X
                                X.p(X)dX
                          E X           X    .p(X)dX

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