P. 134

Linear Algebra

                    Notes          and so it must be that
                                          T  '   P  1  T    . P                                          ...(8)

                                   This answers our questions.
                                   Before stating this result formally, let us observe the following. There is a unique linear operator
                                   U which carries    onto  ', defined by
                                          U     ' ,      j = 1,...,n
                                             j   j
                                   This operator U is invertible since it carries a basis for V onto a basis for V. The matrix P (above)
                                   is precisely the matrix of the operator U in the ordered basis  .  For, P is defined by

                                           '     P
                                            j     ij  i
                                               i  1

                                   and since  U  '  , this equation can be written as
                                              j  j
                                            U  j  P ij  i .
                                                i  1

                                   So P =  U  , by definition.
                                   Theorem 4: Let V be a finite-dimensional vector space over the field F, and let

                                          B =  =   1 ,...,  n   and  ' =   ' 1  ,...,  ' n
                                   be ordered basis for V. Suppose T is linear operator on V. If P =  P 1 ,...,P n  is the n×n matrix with
                                   columns P     P T  , then
                                           j       
                                           T  '   P  1  T    . P

                                   Alternatively, if U is the invertible operator on V defined by U  '  , j  1,...,  then
                                                                                       j   j
                                          T     U  1  T  U  .
                                             '   '     

                                   Self Assessment

                                   1.  Let T be the linear transformation  T R  3  R  3 ,  defined by
                                       T (x,y,z) = (2y+z, x–4y, 3z)
                                       find the matrix T, with respect to the basis

                                        E   1,1,1 ,E  1,1,0  and E  1,0,0
                                         1        2            3
                                   2.  A transformation T is defined by

                                        T  , x y  =  x –y x  y

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