P. 186

Linear Algebra

                    Notes          Choose any other vectors  ,...,   in V such that  = { ,..., } is a basis for V. The matrix of T
                                                         r+1  n                 1   n
                                   relative to  has the block form (3), and the matrix of the restriction operator Tw relative to the
                                   basis ’ is

                                                                     t   1  0   0 
                                                                     0  t    0 
                                                                 B     2     
                                                                             
                                                                       0     
                                                                     0       t r 

                                   The characteristic polynomial of B (i.e., of Tw) is
                                                                g = (x – c ) 1 ... (x – c ) k e
                                                                       1        k
                                   where e  = dim W . Furthermore, g divides f, the characteristic polynomial for T. Therefore, the
                                         i       i
                                   multiplicity of c  as a root of f is at least dim W .
                                               i                        i
                                   All of this should make Theorem 2 of unit 12 transparent. It merely says that T is diagonalizable
                                   if and only if r = n,  if  and only if e   + ... + e  = n.  It does not help us  too  much  with  the
                                                                 1       k
                                   non-diagonalizable case, since we don’t know the matrices C and D of (3).
                                   Lemma: If W is an invariant subspace for T, then W is invariant under every polynomial in T.
                                   Thus, for each  in V, the conductor S (; W) is an ideal in the polynomial algebra F[x].
                                   Proof: If  is in W, then T is in W. Consequently, T(T) = T  is in W. By induction, T  is in W for
                                   each k. Take linear combinations to see that f(T) is in W for every polynomial f.
                                   The definition of S (; W) makes sense if W is any subset of V. If W is a subspace, then S (; W) is
                                                 T                                                      T
                                   a subspace of F[x], because
                                                                (cf + g)(T) = cf(T) + g(T)
                                   If W is also invariant under T, let g be a polynomial in S (; W), i.e., let g(T) be in W. If f is any
                                   polynomial, then f(T)[g(T)] will be in W. Since
                                                                  (fg)(T) = f(T)g(T)
                                   fg is in S (; W). Thus the conductor absorbs multiplication by any polynomial.
                                   The unique monic generator of the ideal  S (; W) is also called the  T-conductor of  into  W
                                   (the T-annihilator in case W = {0}). The T-conductor of  into W is the monic polynomial g of least
                                   degree such that g(T) is in W. A polynomial f is in S (; W) if and only if g divides f. Note that
                                   the conductor S (; W) always contains the minimal polynomial for T; hence, every T-conductor
                                   divides the minimal polynomial for T.
                                   As the first illustration of how to use the conductor S (; W), we shall characterize triangulable
                                   operators. The linear operator T is called triangulable if there is an ordered basis in which  T is
                                   represented by a triangular matrix.
                                   Lemma. Let V be a finite-dimensional vector space over the field F. Let T be a linear operator on
                                   V such that the minimal polynomial for T is a product of linear factors
                                                             p = (x – c ) 1  ... (x – c ) k ,   c  in F
                                                                    1       k    i
                                   Let W be a proper (W  V) subspace of V which is invariant under T. There exists a vector  in V
                                   such that
                                   (a)   is not in W;
                                   (b)  (T – cI)  is in W, for some characteristic value c of the operator T.

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