Page 140 - DMTH503_TOPOLOGY
P. 140
Example 1: Let Y consist of two points; give Y the topology consisting of Y and the empty
set. Then the space X = Z × Y is limit point compact, for every non-empty subset of X has a limit
point. It is not compact, for the covering of X by the open sets U = {n} × Y has no finite
subcollection covering X.
14.1.2 Sequentially Compact
Let X be a topological space. If (x ) is a sequence of points of X, and if
n < n < ... < n < ....
1 2 i
is an increasing sequence of positive integers, then the sequence (y ) defined by setting y = x is
i i ni
called a subsequence of the sequence (x ). The space X is said t be sequentially compact if every
n o
sequence of points of X has a convergent subsequence.
Theorem 2: Let X be a metrizable space. Then the following are equivalent:
1. X is compact
2. X is limit point compact
3. X is sequentially compact
Proof: We have already proved that (1) (2). To show that (2) (3), assume that X is limit point
compact. Given a sequence (x ) of points of X, consider the set A = {x n Z }. If the set A is finite,
n n +
then there is a point x such that x = x for infinitely many values of n. In this case, the sequence
(x ) has a subsequence that is constant, and therefore converges trivially. On the other hand, if A
is infinite, then A has a limit point of x. We define a subsequence of (x ) converging to x as
First choose n so that
x B (x, 1)
n 1
Then suppose that the positive integer n is given. Because the ball B (x, 1/i) intersects A in
i – 1
infinitely many points, we an choose an index n > n such that
i i – 1
x B (x, 1/i)
Then the subsequence x , x , ..., converges to x.
n1 n2
Finally, we show that (3) (1). This is the hardest part of the proof.
First, we show that if X is sequentially compact, then the Lebesgue number lemma holds for X.
(This would follow from compactness, but compactness is what we are trying to prove.) Let be
an open covering of X. We assume that there is no > 0 such that each set of diameter less than
has an element of containing it, and derive a contradiction.
Our assumption implies in particular that for each positive integer n, there exists a set of diameter
less than 1/n that is not contained in any element of ; let C be such a set. Choose a point x C ,
n n n
for each n. By hypothesis, some subsequence (x ) of the sequence (x ) converges, say to the point
ni n
a. Now a belongs to some element A of the collection ; because A is open, we may choose an
> 0 such that B (a, ) A. If i is large enough that 1/n < /2, then the set C lies in the
i ni 2
neighborhood of x ; if i is also chosen large enough that d (x , a) < /2, then C lies in the
ni ni ni
-neighborhood of a. But this means that C A, contrary to hypothesis.
Second, we show that if X is sequentially compact, then given > 0, there exists a finite covering
of X by open -balls. Once again, we proceed by contradiction. Assume that there exists an > 0
such that X cannot be covered by finitely many -balls. Construct a sequence of points x of X as
follows: First, choose x to be any point of X. Noting that the ball B (x , ) is not all of X
1 1