Page 222 - DMTH503_TOPOLOGY
P. 222
Notes Regular: Let X be a topological space where one-point sets are closed. Then X is regular if a point
and a disjoint closed set can be separated by open sets.
26.4 Review Questions
1. If a separable space is also metrizable, then prove that the space has a countable base.
2. Show that any finite subset of metrizable space is always discrete.
3. Show that a topological space X is metrizable there exists a homeomorphism of X onto
a subspace of some metric space Y.
4. A compact Hausdorff space is separable and metrizable if it is:
(a) second countable (b) not second countable
(c) first countable (d) none
26.5 Further Readings
Books Lawson, Terry, Topology : A Geometric Approach. New York, NY: Oxford University
Press, 2003.
Robert Canover, A first course in topology. The Williams and Wilkins Company,