Page 261 - DMTH503_TOPOLOGY
P. 261

Unit 32: Introduction to Dimension Theory




          The pointwise dimensions describe how the measure  is distributed. We compare the measure
          of a ball about x to its radius r, as r tends to zero.
          These are interesting connections between these different notions of dimension for measure.

          Theorem 1: If  d (x) d³  for a.e.() xX then din () ³ d.
                                                H
          Proof: We can choose a set of full  measure X X (i.e.(X ) = 1). Such that d (x) d³  for all xX .
                                              o         o                           o
          In particular for any > 0 and xX we have lim sup  (B(x, r)) r d-   Fix C > 0 and  > 0, and
          let us denote

                            X  = {x X : (B(x,r)) C      d- , 0 < <  }.
                                    i           r
          Let { } be any -cover for X. Then if x   , ( )  C diam ( ) d– . In particular
               i                            i   i          i
                          (X )   å  (   ) C diam(  ) d -  .
                                         å
                                      i           i
                                 i Ç  X   i
          Thus, taking the infimum over all such cover we have X   CH  d -  (X )  CH  d -  (X). Now letting
                                                                
            0 we have that 1 =  (X )   CH d -  (X). Since C > 0 can be chosen arbitrarily  large we deduce
          that H d– (X) = +¥. In particular dim (X) ³ d– for all> 0. Since> 0 is arbitrary, we conclude
          that dim (X)³d.
          We have the following simple corollary, which is immediate from the definition of dim ().
          Corollary: Given a set X , assume that there is a probability measurewith(X) = 1 and
          d (x) d for a.() xX. Then dim (X)³d.
          In the opposite direction we have that a uniform bound on pointwise dimensions leads to an
          upper on the Hausdorff Dimension.
          Theorem 2: If  d (x) d  for a.() xX then dim ()d. Moreover, if there is a probability
                                                  H
          measurewith(X) = 1 and  d (x) d  for every xX then dim (X)d.
                                                            H
          Proof: We begin with the second statement. For any > 0 and xX we have lim sup  (B(x, r))/
          r d+ =¥. Fix C > 0. Given  > 0, consider the coverfor X by the balls
                               {B(x, r) : 0 < r and  (B(x, r)) > C d+ }.
          We recall the following classical result.

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