Page 87 - DMTH503_TOPOLOGY
P. 87
Unit 8: The Product Topology
Since is a finite product, the box and product topologies agree. Whenever we consider , we Notes
will assume that it is given this topology, unless we specifically state otherwise.
Example 5: Consider , the countably infinite product of with itself. Recall that
= X ,
where X = for each n. Let us define a function f : by the equation
f (t) = (t, t, t, …);
the n coordinate function of f is the function f (t) = t. Each of the coordinate functions f :
is continuous; therefore, the function f is continuous if is given the product topology. But f is
not continuous if is given the box topology. Consider, for example, the basic element.
B = (–1, 1) × ( 1 2 , ) × ( 1 3 , ) × …
for the box topology. We assert that f (B) is not open in . If f (B) were open in , it would
contain some interval (–, ) about the point 0. This would mean that f((–, )) B so that,
applying to both sides of the inclusion.
f ((–, )) = (–, ) ( 1 , )
n n n
for all n, a contradiction.
Theorem 1: Let {X } be an indexed family of spaces; Let A X for each . If X is given either
the product or the box topology, then
Õ A = Õ A .
Proof: Let x = (x ) be a point of Õ A ; we show that x Õ A .
Let = be a basis element for either the box or product topology that contains x. Since x
A , we can choose a point y A for each . Then y = (y ) belongs to both and A . Since
is arbitrary, it follows that x belongs to the closure of A .
Conversely, suppose x = (x ) lies in the closure of A , in either topology. We show that for any
given index , we have x A . Let V be an arbitrary open set of X containing x . Since Õ - 1 (V )
is open in X in either topology, it contains a point y = (y ) of A . Then y belongs to V A .
It follows that x A .
Theorem 2: Let f : A X be given by the equation
f(a) = (f (a)) ,
where f : AX for each. Let X have the product topology. Then the function f is continuous
if and only if each function f is continuous.
Proof: Let be the projection of the product onto its th factor. The function is continuous, for
if is open in X , the set - 1 ( ) is a sub basis element for the product topology on X . Now
suppose that f : A X is continuous. The function f equals the composite of; being the
composite of two continuous functions, it is continuous.
Conversely suppose that each co-ordinate function f is continuous. To prove that f is continuous,
it suffices to prove that the inverse image under f of each sub-basis element is open in A; we
remarked on this fact when we defined continuous functions. A typical sub-basis element for the