P. 109

Unit-16: Theory of Suicide

            of the married from the family ties may not happen. That is why they do suicide very less. In the same   notes
            manner, as compared to men suicide is found more among the women. Because they spend group
            lives less as compared to men and are more severed from the group. Durkheim has called solipsistic
            suicide as egoistic suicide.
            As per Durkheim, this is the main cause of increase in suicide during summers. In these months days
            are longer. That is why social contacts do not remain more. As against this during summers days are
            short. In these days more contacts are made. That is why rate of suicide is less in winters. As compared
            to Roman Catholic, rate of suicide is high among the Protestants. For this too, it is the main cause that
            protestant religion lays more emphasis on individualism and independence of a person. Because of
            this, due to reduction of control and organisation of group among the people, severance increases. On
            the other side, Roman Catholic religion because of being orthodox, religious group of its members is
            very organised and controlled. That is why among them much severance is not let to increase. During
            war and social movement people come out of their houses. As a result social severance is developed
            among them. Hence at this time as compared to normal days there is increase in the rate of suicide.
            In this manner, as per Durkheim, in analysis of egoistic suicide, Durkheim has considered social
            severance as the main cause and tried to prove this increase by study based on the above mentioned
            statistical facts.
            2. anomic suicide: Second type of suicide is anomic suicide. As per Durkheim, these suicides are
            done because of development of sudden social factors. Defining anomic, Kosher and Rojanberg have
            written, “Meaning of anomic is state of lack of generality, ethical vacancy, procrastination of rules, and
            such situation which may sometimes be presented as a state of irregularity.” Its meaning is that when a
            situation of frustration, business downfall, financial trouble and abnormal prosperity etc is developed,
            then such type of suicide are called anomic suicide. Durkheim has also written in this relation that,
            “anomic is that situation of ideallessness in which there is lack of naturalism; procrastination of rules
            or rulelessness is there.”
            Durkheim has written in his main book that anomic suicides happen due to social disbandment. When
            social balance ends suddenly, then entire social arrangement becomes abnormal and unorganised. In
            such a situation group cannot keep itself organised. That is why during social vacancy, suicides take
            place more. For e.g. when there is huge financial change i.e. huge economic slow-down or too much
            prosperity, then people’s practised and general life ends and social controls become limp. As a result
            person becomes independent and rule-less. Then he may suicide.
            3. altruistic suicide: Durkheim has mentioned a third type of suicide also. To this form of suicide
            he has given the name of altruistic or humanitarian suicide. Under this person motivated with the
            feeling of self sacrifice becomes willingly eager to commit suicide. Clarifying his meaning, Durkheim
            has written, “In altruistic suicide a person does not kill himself because he has the right to do so but
            he does so because it is his duty to die. He does so to be saved from social insult. ” In this manner it
            is clear that altruistic suicide is that which is committed under social pressure.
            Durkheim has written, “Altruistic suicide is possible at the time when in any society distance between
            the person and group ends. In such situation person becomes completely assimilated in the benefit
            of the society. On this happening a person’s individual rule ends. He by the name itself is considered
            just a member of the group. In this manner when importance of personality reduces, number of
            altruistic suicide increase.”
            For Durkheim, altruistic suicide is expression of that cruel and strong feeling in which in comparison
            to the interest of the group, there is no importance of a person. Value of the life of a person is null in
            comparison to the life of the group. In such situation he sacrifices himself for the group and when the
            time comes, willingly gives his life for the well-being of the group.

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