P. 19

Sukanya Das, Lovely Professional University                         Unit-3: Theory of Evolution and Progress

                       unit-3: theory of evolution and progress                                        notes


                3.1   Theory of Evolution
                3.2   Summary
                3.3   Keywords
                3.4   Review Questions
                3.5   Further Readings


            After studying this unit, the students will be able to:
                 y  Understood the evolutionary theory of Auguste Comte,
                 y  To know the reaction of progressive state of thinking in society,
                 y  To understood the various levels of human thought process.


            Auguste Comte wished to search out and know the rules that governed the low journey of human
            society from the time of tree–dwelling ape – man to contemporary man.
            From his studies, he came to the conclusion that just as human mind developed, so too the Mind of
            Society too developed. Comte uses the human body as a metaphor. Children go from childhood to
            teenage to adulthood. In a similar way human knowledge has progressed, and so too has progressed
            the mind of society or society on the whole.

            3.1   theory of evolution

            In the three stages of human–thought process, Theological stage; Metaphysical Stage and Positivistic
            Stage, in relation to each of which Comte has mentioned a special social organization. In other words,
            according to Comte between the levels of human thought process and social/organizations, there
            is an obvious relationship. Therefore in every level of human tought–process, a special kind social
            organization is found, which according to historical evidence is of the following kinds –
            1. When human knowledge is at the stage of religion, then like everything else, social life, and
            organization too is considered a prototype of divine will. At this stage the main theory concerning
            the forms of human relations is the divine theory. According to it, the origin and being of society is
            because of Gods will/wish. For this reason, political power too is based on divine rights. The king is
            considered the representative of God, and therefore all his orders should be obeyed without considering
            their just or injust intentions. According to this view, the king can perform any activity, and for that
            he is answerable only to god and none other. Nor can any person doubt any activity of the king. As
            the king is a direct representative of God, so his word is law. And as behind these laws lies divine

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