P. 21

Unit-3: Theory of Evolution and Progress

            be used properly due to scientific inventions. There are many gains from these changes, for instance the   notes
            member of society develop a scientific view, and waste little time on making, imaginary castles. Education
            is reorganized, and for the reformation society, positive plans are put into action. Friendship between states
            becomes possible, and humanity as a creed is developed. In brief there is a superlative mixture of worldy,
            intellectual strengths in society. As a result the complete social organization is systemized properly and
            positively. This is the highest stage of human civilization.

            self assessment
            Fill in the blanks:
               1.   In _______ stage social organizations are changed into kingly rights.
               2.   The belief in _______  powers is given up for natural rights.
               3.   In this stage, many past _______  are destroyed and the foundation is laid for the scientific
                   stage. Inspite of which bloodshed and chaotic conditions rule.

            3.2   summary

                 y  According to comte, our branches of knowledge go through three theoretical states –
                  1.   Theological/Religious or Imaginary State,
                  2.   Metaphysical or Abstract State,
                  3.   Positive of Scientific State,
                 y  The development of society too goes through the states of development like of the mind of man.

            3.3   Keywords

            social evolution - States that society and civilizations go through definite stages and steps of
            development. Those developing steps pass from time immemorial from simplicity to complexity,
            from oneness to variety, from indefinite to definite.

            3.4   review Questions

               1.   Explain Auguste Comte’s human evolutionary related thoery.
               2.   What are the three stages of human–thinking–process?
               3.   Whose representative was the king considered?

            answers : self assessment
                   1. Metaphysical       2. Divine            3. Superstitions

            3.5   further readings

                Books       1.   Sociology – NCERT (11  and 12  Class).
                            2.   Encyclopedia of Sociology – Harikrishna Rawat.
                            3.   Social Thinkers – Doshi Jain.

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