P. 64
Sociological Thought
notes 10.2 summary
y Thoughts and theories of Marx have attained surprising popularity; especially working class
people have achieved bountiful motivation.
y Lenin has also written that , “Marx has casted each experience of human thinking in a new
mould, criticised it, tested it on the criteria of revolution of the labour class took out such
inferences which thinkers entangled in the narrowness of capitalism or tied in the superstition
of capitalism, cannot take out.”
y Scientific View is that, “It may be used not only for understanding the world but also for
changing it” and has also been done.
10.3 Keywords
1. class: Group different from each other on any other ground except for genetic attributes is
called class. Along with resources of production, people keeping similar resources develop
a class. Class consciousness is also important among the members of this group.
2. theory of class struggle: At large the society is progressively getting divided in two major
opposing groups; there two major groups, capitalist and proletariats are directly struggling
with each other.
10.4 review Questions
1. Clarify Marx’s process of class formation.
2. Critically analyse Marx’s theory related to class and class conflict.
answers: self assessment
1. Society 2. Class Struggle 3. Phase
10.5 further readings
Books 1. Sociological Theory- Abraham and Morgan.
2. Structure of Sociological Thought- J.H. Turner.
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