P. 10

Sociology of Kinship

                          Notes            person of Victoria family was dutiful towards the others only because ‘They were of the
                                           same blood’. On this basis to avenge the death or insult of a kin is considered a duty. This
                                           principle was found in Anglo Sexson people that the kins of a tribe of Philippines should
                                           take revenge of the matter of a person of its group. Who will fulfill this duty was related to
                                           the closeness of kinship.
                                        5.  Mental Satisfaction:  The emotions of kinship provide mental satisfaction to a person. A
                                           person hangs pictures of his ancestors at home, collects them in albums, probably the cau-
                                           terized kinship centered experiences are behind all this. It is evident from human history
                                           that mankind has been living in groups based on kinship since a long period of time. A
                                           person’s health, safety life everything was in hands of his kins. A person devoid of kinship
                                           used to consider himself without any social reputation and as wretched as dead. Fearing
                                           the unknown and believing the known individuals is a human nature. Blood relatives are
                                           our most known people because they are considered to be parts of our own organs. A per-
                                           son feels extreme humanly himself between his kins.

                                                        The demands of our industrial culture is forwarding us to the construc-
                                                        tion of on inhuman and wise foreavcrative social structure.

                                        6.  Basis of Anthropological knowledge: Knowledge of kinship has an important place in the
                                           study of anthropology. The primary anthropologists started the majority of studies from
                                           kinship only. Studies of main anthropologists like Morgan, Mc Cleanan, Henary Men, Lovi,
                                           Fraze Boas, Malenovoski, Redcliff Brown, Evans Prichard, Reverse, Saligmay etc. was re-
                                           lated to study of kinship arrangement, family and marriage etc. of one or more than one
                                           tribe. They wanted to understand the social structure on the basis of studies of kinship. In
                                           addition they also had interest in the development of society and institutions. Study of kin-
                                           ship proved very helpful in this direction. After much study it has become clear that there
                                           had been basic political, religious, economic and regional units of descent in early societies.
                                       Mc Cleanan has quoted those conditions from which the kinship of whole mankind and institu-
                                       tions of marriage have gone through. He believes that initially kinship was accounted through
                                       the medium of women, development through the medium of men developed later. Prior to Mc
                                       Cleanan, Henary Men has studied the Indo-European families and told that patrilineal jointed
                                       family was the family of joint rights of father and sons on property and in India such family
                                       was the backbone of kinship. Morgan studied the ‘Eroquvees’ tribes of Newyork on the basis
                                       of class based system. He did believed that development of family and marriage accured due
                                       to traditional Sex Communism. Other anthropologists kept studying the kinship glossary for a
                                       long time by getting inspired by Morgan. This is the reason that more that half of the kinship
                                       literature is filled with the terms of kinship glossary only.
                                       Lovi and Boas were against the evolution plans. Malenovoski has given a new life to the studies
                                       of kinship by studying the people of Trobeiyanda island. He has studied the feelings and emo-
                                       tions between kinship. Redcliff Brown showed interest in the glossary of kinship and developed
                                       comparative approach. He laid emphasis on the study of social structure and kinship system to
                                       give a clear concept of rights and duties.
                                       In 1940, Evans Prichard published a book on the Nyur people of South Suddan in which stud-
                                       ies on groups based on kin groups was included. In 1945, Mayor Fortess published a book after
                                       studying marriage, descent and kinship of Tollensy people. Mardock has shown interest in
                                       evolution in his book ‘Social Structure’. Levi stauss has described the vocabulary of kinship,
                                       marriage alliance, law and about position of women through marriage.

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