P. 152
Methodology of Social Research
notes As per P. H. Maan, “Participant observation means a situation in which the observer also participates
in all the normal activities of the group being studied.”
It is clear from the above-mentioned definitions that in participant observation observer lives in the
group being studied and compiles the facts becoming a part of it.
Many social scientists have used participant observation in their studies. John Howard has studied
prisoners, Lipley and Booth have studied labour families, Malinowski has studied trobri and island’s
Agronaut tribe, raymond firth has studied tikopia people, Nels Anderson has studied Hobo people
and White has studied the people who spend their lives on road through participant observation
only. through this method, usually communities, primitive tribes and their cultures are studied. it
is considered to be an appropriate method to study any communities’ customs, festivals, beliefs, folk
songs, religious activities and behaviour.
in this reference, the question arises that to what extent should the observer be mixed with the group
being studied, in which activities should he participate and in which he should not? Should he tell
his identity and purpose to the people of the group? What should be the place of the observer in the
in answer to these, differences in the views have been found. American sociologists view is that
observer should study the group without telling his identity and purpose. He should work with such
cunningness and alertness that the people of the group consider him to be their own person. By only
doing this he will be able to actually study the group.
on the other hand, views of indian sociologists are different from this. they say that in a country like
india observer should make his identity and purpose clear to the people of the group so that people
do not look at him with suspicion and may provide their support in compilation of facts. By doing
this observer receives the trust of the people of the group and they provide him a proper place in
the group. india is a country where maximum people are illiterate, participating in social life of the
people without disclosing his identity and purpose will only create suspicion towards the observer,
and then they may bring a change in their actual behaviour. from ethical point of view also it is right
that the observer does not say lies to the people of the group.
shri B. D. Paal has mentioned those activities in which participant observer may participate such as
helping in ploughing the farms, helping in making the house, hunting with gun and providing food to
the tribes that hunt with bow and arrow, taking them in his car and talking to them, distributing pictures
and photos among them, distributing food and money on festivals, playing musical instruments,
inviting people at his home for chit chatting, distributing sweets and toys among the children etc.
for a successful participant observer it is necessary that he has complete knowledge of the language,
customs, behaviour, practice, tradition of his study group. When he speaks to the people of the group
in their language they consider him to be their own and normally do not hide anything. Participant
observer should also be witty and diplomatic. to what extent a researcher can be a participant also
depends on the size of the group. in a family complete participation is easy but in a city it is possible
only to a limited extent. other than this amount of participation also depends on the subject of research
and competence of the observer. Participant observer should not make such close relations with the
group that he develops a feeling of partiality towards the group.
2. Non-participant Observation
When an observer, without participating in the life of any group, stays away from the activities of the
group, and studies them with a neutral eye like a scientist, then it is called non- participant observation.
in this method observer does not go and stay in for a long time in the group or community, nor does
he participate in their activities. He is a stranger and a silent onlooker. in such a study there is more
possibility of freedom and impartiality. Without informing people, he receives information by being
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