P. 176
Methodology of Social Research
notes of power. in this manner a descriptive viewpoint, in reaching notable events, does not demand for
analysis of narrative, but, is centred on interpretation building.
Did You Know? Most narrative analysis are based on the notion that how does experience,
because of being restructured and explanatory in itself is important.
23.3 summary
y oral history analysis is based on sources like facts based on memory, folk tales.
y in building of scripted tradition, verbal tradition has a very big hand.
y Narrative analysis is essentially vested in interdisciplinary view.
y Narration is a fundamental way to build consciousness of human being of this world.
23.4 Keywords
1. Interview Method: Process of formal discussion for a specific purpose, with a person or
group, is called interview method.
2. Interdisciplinary Research: social incidences are multi-meaning whose medium is beyond
the limit of science. When many knowledgeable men, as a group, do research work on these
incidences, because of the complexity, then it is called interdisciplinary research.
23.5 review Questions
1. Analyse oral history method under the qualitative analysis method.
2. Under qualitative analysis, how is narrative research done?
answers: self assessment
1. inaugurate 2. Applicable 3. Developed.
23.6 Further Readings
Books 1. Classical social thought-Agarwal Gopal Krishna, Bhatt Brothers.
2. research Method-Dr. Ganesh Pandey, Arun Pandey, radha Publication.
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