P. 21
Unit-2: Objectivity/Value Neutrality
specify that it’s the main element of this change. And the practical knowledge is very useful note
for objectivity in the study of social incident.
7. use of statistical Measurements: if the climax of study represents the type of general
description then objectivity can come in the study because in this the researcher can represent
the fact in pieces as he wishes. this problem can be remove by statistical calculation and
measurement. statical measurement can checked easily. that’s the reason the use of statistical
measurement is increasing day-by-day in the study of social calculation.
8. Use of Group Research Method: Research method is very useful in finishing bias. This
method can be used in two ways. firstly, the study of social incident is continued by many
researchers in different places and at different times. secondly, one researcher does the study
by same method in a single incident at two similar fields. Then he compares the acquired
result, and finds out the current situation. By this there is probability of objectivity increasing
in the study.
9. Application of Interdisciplinary Method: the study on the basis of help of different scientists
is called interdisciplinary Method and the importance of this type study is increasing in
present social science. Now it is felt that for any incident single element is not responsible.
Example- The elements like social, financial, cultural, political, sociological are responsible
for the problem of crime, poverty, corruption. Whenever the element will not be understood
completely we can not understand any problem, incident or objective study of any subject.
Did You Know? the cooperation between different advertisements is increasing day-by-
day, resultantly the study related to social incident are objective and
10. Use of Cross-Cultural Approach: When the study about any incident or problem related
to cultural field is done by the people of different cultural fields then they can do the work
very fairly and objectively. Research can be biased in study related with cultural field. But
when researcher does study related to many cultural fields then there is full possibility of
objectivity. it’s called cross-cultural approach.
self assessment
fill in the blanks:
1. But this does not mean that it is impossible to achieve _____________.
2. Based on the research such techniques have been ____________that help to provide objectivity
in the study of social incidents.
3. in _____________ usually colloquial language is used which can many times not have similar
2.5 summary
y Prof. Green has written, “the desire and ability to test the facts and evidences in an impartial
way is objectivity.”
y Objectivity is mainly used for successful use of scientific methods, data verification and to
explore new regions of research.
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