P. 24

Methodology of Social Research

                     note             introduction
                                      Every scientific system has three levels or steps namely—Fact, hypothesis, and theory. Fact, hypothesis,
                                      and theory can never be accepted as separate identities because it is very difficult to demarcate all
                                      of them from each other. During any study, when the fact changes into a hypothesis and when the
                                      hypothesis starts the formation of theories, it is just impossible to clarify. But, it is also true that they
                                      can be studied separately and individually.
                                      our aim in this chapter is not to analyze and explain fact, hypothesis, and theory. to understand the
                                      sociological theories, it is important to know and understand the steps serially that are involved in
                                      the formation of these processes. so, we have to be familiar with fact, hypothesis, and theory.
                                      After selecting the topic or problem of research and study, the researcher is able to decide and presume
                                      the ‘cause and effect relationship’ of the topic . this assumption is what is called ‘hypothesis.’ for
                                      eg., if any researcher wants to study the problem ‘increasing crime-activity in india.’ on the basis of
                                      experience and general knowledge, we can assume and say that the ‘main cause of increase in crime-
                                      rate/activity is poverty.’ this statement then is called the hypothesis.

                                      3.1   fact

                                      What are Facts
                                      in english, we have two separate words—facts and data which in Hindi has one word. But the true
                                      words are not synonyms. they actually have separate meanings in english. so, it is important to
                                      understand the difference clearly. in process of research, when the collection of responses is being
                                      done, it is called “data” in english. But when after analysis and researching, the data is “validated”,
                                      it gets the term “fact.”

                                          Notes    To become a “fact”, the “data” has to go through a specific procedure. Though
                                                   in Hindi, the ‘fact’ word is for both the contents, one has to very careful in using
                                                   these words in english.

                                      Before defining the word, ‘fact’ officially, it is very important to clarify because it is directly related to
                                      social data. Here we would like to mention the name of french sociologist, emile Durkheim. According
                                      to Durkheim-social fact, is that aspect of behavior, which can be inspected/observed individually
                                      and which forces one to behave in a specific manner. The indications given by Durkheim to recognize
                                      any ‘social fact’ are its ‘exteriority’ and ‘constraint.’ We will define ‘fact’ in this context only because
                                      social science is restricted by scientific process and discipline. Thus, we can call ‘fact’ a ‘proper fact’
                                      within certain limits only.

                                      3.2   Definition and Characteristics of Fact

                                      While defining the word ‘fact’, two viewpoints have been put forward.
                                      The first viewpoint includes those definitions which have accepted a wide and extensive field. They
                                      include physics, biology, and social science. The definition given in this context are by Pauline V.
                                      young, W.J.Goode & P.K. Hatt and May Broadbeck etc. according to pauline–, ‘fact’ should be viewed
                                      in such physical, mental or emotional situations which can be confirmed by words and which can be
                                      accepted in the world of discourse.

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