P. 239

Unit–28: Measures of Dispersion: Standard Deviation

                                     Age Group              Number (in thousands)                          notes
                                        0–10                         18
                                       10–20                         16
                                       20–30                         15
                                       30–40                         12
                                       40–50                         10
                                       50–60                         5
                                       60–70                         2
                                      Above 70                       1

                Solution using Direct Method—In direct method, we have to convert the continuous series into discrete series.

                For this, we calculate the mid–points of the given class–intervals and then use the formula σ =   S  fd 2
                                                                                       N   .

                    age     centre value   frequency   B × x  Variation of centre   fd =    fd  = fd
                   Group      of Class–       (f)              values of Class–  f × d   × d
                    c.t.     intervals (x)                      intervals from
                                                                 Mean d = 27
                   0–10          5            18        90          –21          –378    7938
                   10–20         15           16       240          –11          –176    1926

                   20–30         25           15       375           –1          –15      15
                   30–40         35           12       420           +9          108     972
                   40–50         45           10       450          +19          190     3610
                   50–60         55           5        275          +29          145     4205
                   60–70         65           2        130          +39           78     3042

                   70 – 80       75           1         75          +49           49     2401
                             N = (Sf) = 79                    Sfx’ = 2055          Sfd = 24119
                                                         S fx  2055
                Mean value                        (M)  =  =  =
                                                          N    79
                                                       =  26 (Approx.)

                standard deviation (s)              σ  =   S fd 2  =  24119
                                                           N       79

                                                       =   305.30
                                                    σ  =  17.47
                Solution using Short-Cut Method—if the mean value is not an integer, and then value of variation
                is a decimal. so the calculation becomes cumbersome and there is a possibility of mistake. in such
                cases, we should use short-cut method to compute standard deviation. this can be illustrated as
                shown below.

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