P. 240

Methodology of Social Research

                                            Example 7    Use the following table to compute the standard deviation

                                                         Weight (in Pounds)       Number of People
                                                               70–80                    12

                                                               80–90                    18
                                                               90–100                   35
                                                              100–110                   49
                                                              110–120                   50

                                                              120–130                   45
                                                              130–140                   20
                                                              140–150                    8

                                      to solve this question using short-cut method, we will assume the centre–value of any of the class
                                      intervals to be the mean.
                                      Let us say  110 120  = 115  is the mean. Now we form the following table.

                                        Weight (in   number of    Mid–      Variation   Variation of   f × d =   fd × d =
                                         pounds)      People     point of   of Mid–     (d) Mid–     fd        fd 2
                                           C.I.         (f)       Class–   point from   point from
                                                                 intervals  assumed     assumed
                                                                    x        Mean      Mean 115
                                                                             (X – A)   divided by
                                                                                       class width
                                          70–80         12          75        –40         –4         –48       192
                                          80–90         18          85        –30         –3         –54       162

                                          90–100        35          95        –20         –2         –70       140
                                         100–110        49         105        –10         –1         –49       49
                                         110 –120       50         115         0           0          0        0
                                         120–130        45         125         10          1         45        45
                                         130 –140       20         135         20          2         40        80

                                         140–150        8          145         30          3         24        72
                                                N = 237                                          S fd = –112  Sfd  = 740

                                                                                 S  fd 2    S  fd  2  740 − 112  2
                                                                         σ  =  i  N  −      N     =  10  237     237   

               234                                          loVely professional uniVersity
   235   236   237   238   239   240   241   242   243   244   245