P. 257
Unit-30: Writing a Research Report
the work conditions and based on the report, it is decided to increase the wages or the dearness notes
allowance. Solutions for public related unwanted difficulties are also presented through
reports and based on the reports; different measures are ensured to improve the situation.
Did You Know? research or survey report helps in publicising knowledge, exploring
new thoughts, guides for future research, suggests new solutions for
different pathological problems in daily lives and can become a basis
for implementation of plans and prosperity of public. it is only ‘report’
which is a complete picture of the true knowledge, dedication and effort
of a researcher.
30.7 summary
y there is a stage after research when report has to be prepared. report is the last stage of a
y report is the complete summary of the study. A ‘report’ is a successful picture of the entire
knowledge and effort of a researcher.
y In a good report, whatever results are published is proven, reliable and ideal for scientific
30.8 Keywords
1. Validity of scale—Any research method or validity of scale is the capability to measure
the facts accurately. in order to test the validity of scale, reasoning validity, known group
method, independent norms methods etc. are used.
30.9 review Questions
1. What are the objectives of preparing a report?
2. What are the problems encountered in preparing a report?
3. What are the characteristics of a good report?
4. What is the importance of a report?
answers: self assessment
1. Language 2. outstanding
3. Vocabulary 4. Great scholars
5. Repeated 6. Scientific
30.10 Further Readings
Books 1. shiksha ka samajsastra-tiwari-sharda, Arjun Publishing House.
2. Vyavaharik Shodh ki Vidhiyan-Dr. Jay Bhagwan, Friends Publication (India).
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