P. 5


           Sr. No.                                          DESCRIPTION

             1.      Management:  Definition,  nature,  purpose  and  scope  of  management,  Skills  and  roles  of  a
                     Manager, functions, principles; Evolution of Management Thought, Scientific Management.

             2.      Planning: Types of plans, planning process, Characteristics of planning, Traditional objective
                     setting, Strategic Management, premising and forecasting.
             3.      Decision-Making:  Process,  Simon’s  model  of  decision  making,  creative  problem  solving,
                     group decision making.
             4.      Management by Objectives: Management by exception; Styles of management: (American,
                     Japanese and Indian), McKinsey’s 7-S Approach, Self Management.
             5.      Organizing:  Organizational  design  and  structure,  Coordination,  differentiation  and
             6.      Span  of  management, centralization  and  de-centralization  Delegation,  Authority  &  power  -
                     concept  &  distinction,  Line  and  staff  organizations.  Coordination:  Concepts,  issues  and
             7.      Staffing:  Human  Resource  Management  and  Selection,  Performance  appraisal  and  Career
                     strategy, Managing Change.
             8.      Leading:  Human  Factors  and  Motivation,  Leadership,  Communication,  Teams  and  Team
             9.      Controlling:  Concept,  planning-control  relationship,  process  of  control,  Types  of  Control,
                     Control Techniques.
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