P. 64

Unit 5: Free Consent

          9.   Ram sold some land to Rohit. At the time of sale both parties believed in good faith that the   Notes
               area of the land sold was 10 hectares. It, however, turned out that the area was 7 hectares
               only. How is the contract of sale affected? Give reasons.
               [Hint: The agreement is void (Sec. 20).]

          10.   Pooja agreed to sell Richa a specific cargo of corn per 5.5. Malwa supposed to be on its way

               from London to Mumbai turned out that before the day of the bargain the ship had been
               cast away, and the goods lost. Discuss the rights of Pooja.
               [Hint: The agreement is void (Couturier v. Hastie).]

          Answers: Self Assessment

          1.   consent                 2.  undue infl uence   3.   agreement
          4.   money lending transactions  5.  Misrepresentation  6.   under s.62 of the Companies

          5.8 Further Readings

          Books      G. Vijayaragavan Iyengar (2007), Introduction to Banking, Excel Books, New Delhi,
                     S.S. Gulshan, Business Law, Third Edition, 2006, Excel Books, New Delhi.

                     S.S. Gulshan, Mercantile Law, Third Edition, 2006, Excel Books, New Delhi.

          Online links  http://lawcommissionofi

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