P. 108

Unit 8: Laws of Production

          amount of labour, it experiences the law of variable proportion or diminishing marginal returns.   Notes
          This law states that,
          As more and more of the factor input is employed, all other input quantities remaining constant,

          a point will  finally be reached where additional quantities of varying input will produce
          diminishing marginal contributions to total product.
          This underlines the short run production function. It can be shown in a Table 8.1 and Figure 8.1
          as follows.
                            Table 8.1: Production Function with one Variable Input

                  Number of      Total Product of   Average Product of   Marginal Product
                Labour Units (L)   Labour (TP )     Labour (AP )   of Labour (MP )
                      (1)             (2)            (3 = 1 + 2)        (4)
                      1               100              100               –
                      2               210              105              110
                      3               330              110              120
                      4               430              107.5            100
                      5               520              104              90
                      6               600              100              80
                      7               670              95.7             70
                      8               720               90              50
                      9               750              83.3             30
                      10              760               76              10

          In Table 8.1 labour is assumed to be the only variable input. Columns 1 and 2 together represent
          the production function of the firm. Column 3 shows the average combination of labour units

          involved. Column 4 lists the amount of increase in output as a result of each additional unit of
          labour, e.g., the marginal physical product of 5th unit of labour is the total physical product of
          5 units of labour minus the total physical product of 4 units. Column 4 shows that the marginal
          physical product starts decreasing from 4th unit of labour onward. If labour units employed
          increase beyond 10, the marginal physical product will become zero and later become negative.
          The stage from where the marginal physical product starts decreasing shows the law of
          diminishing returns or law of variable proportions.
          MP begins to fall before the AP does. The reason is that the AP attributes the increase in TP
          equally to all the units of the variable factor whereas the MP, by definition, attributes the increase

          in TP to the marginal unit of the variable factor.
          If the MP is greater than the AP, the AP rises and if the MP is less than the AP, then the AP falls.

                 Example: If the batsman’s next (or marginal) score is greater than his average score,
          then his average score rises and if his next (or marginal) score is less than his average score, the
          average score falls.

          From this it follows, that when the MP is equal to the AP, the AP is at its maximum. The reason
          is that when AP is increasing, MP is above AP, pulling it up; when the AP is at its maximum and
          constant, AP is equal to MP; when AP is falling, MP is below AP, pulling it down.

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