P. 92

Cost Accounting – I

                    Notes          25.   What is meant by the weighted average method of valuing stores issues? How is it different
                                       from  the  simple  average  method?  Explain  the  statement  pointing  out  the  elements  for
                                       which estimates have to be made.
                                   26.   Explain  the  different  methods  of  materials  issue  and  show  their  relative  merits  and
                                   27.   Select  a  manufacturing  concern  and  outline  a  system  of  materials  control  for  it.  Give
                                       specimen of various forms you will require.

                                   Answers: Self Assessment

                                   1.   optimum level of inventory       2.   work in progress
                                   3.   lower prices                     4.   capital on materials
                                   5.   True                             6.   False
                                   7.   False                            8.   True
                                   9.   Material Return Note             10.   Stores Ledger Account

                                   11.   Bin Card                        12.   purchase order
                                   13.   Decimal method                  14.   Stock verification
                                   15.   perpetual inventory

                                   4.7 Further Readings

                                   Book        Richard G. Schroeder, Myrtle W. Clark, Myrtle W. Clark, Jack M. Cathey, Financial
                                               Accounting Theory and Analysis: Text Readings and Cases, John Wiley & Sons Inc

                                   Online links

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