P. 187

Quantitative Techniques – I

                    Notes                         2C D
                                          r C                                        (concurrent deviation formula)

                                   8.4 Keywords

                                   Bivariate Distribution: When various units under consideration are observed simultaneously,
                                   with regard to two characteristics, we get a Bivariate Distribution
                                   Correlation: When the relationship is of a quantitative nature, the appropriate statistical tool for
                                   discovering and measuring the relationship and expressing it in a brief formula is known as
                                   Correlation analysis: Correlation  analysis attempts to determine the ‘degree of relationship’
                                   between variables.
                                   Correlation Coefficient: It is a numerical measure of the degree of association between two or
                                   more variables.

                                   Dots of the diagram: Each pair of values (Xi, Yi) is denoted by a point on the graph. The set of
                                   such points (also known as dots of the diagram.
                                   Scatter Diagram: Let the bivariate data be denoted by (Xi, Yi), where i = 1, 2 ...... n. In order to
                                   have some idea about the extent of association between variables X and Y, each pair (Xi, Yi), i =
                                   1, 2......n, is plotted on a graph. The diagram, thus obtained, is called a Scatter Diagram.
                                   Spearman’s Rank Correlation: This is a crude method of computing correlation between two
                                   characteristics. In this method, various items are assigned ranks according to the two characteristics
                                   and a correlation is computed between these ranks.
                                   Univariate Distribution: Distributions relating to a single characteristics are known as univariate

                                   8.5 Review Questions

                                   1.  Define  correlation between two variables. Distinguish between  positive and negative
                                       correlation. Illustrate by using diagrams.
                                   2.  Write down an expression for the Karl Pearson’s coefficient of linear correlation. Why is
                                       it termed as the coefficient of linear correlation? Explain.
                                   3.  “If two variables are independent the correlation between them is zero, but the converse
                                       is not always true”. Explain the meaning of this statement.
                                   4.  Distinguish between the Spearman’s coefficient of rank correlation  and Karl Pearson’s
                                       coefficient of correlation. Explain  the situations under which Spearman’s coefficient of
                                       rank correlation can assume a maximum and a minimum value. Under what conditions
                                       will Spearman’s formula and Karl Pearson’s formula give equal results?

                                   5.  Write short notes on scatter diagram.
                                   6.  Compute Karl Pearson’s coefficient of correlation from the following data:
                                                            X  :  8  11  15  10  12  16
                                                          Y   :  6   9   11  7    9  12

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