P. 187

Macro Economics

                    Notes          11.1 Consequences of Inflation

                                   Before learning the measure to control inflation, we must know that why we should control
                                   inflation and what consequences does it have that makes it imperative to keep a tab on it.

                                   Inflation has its impact on the industry normally through the impact it exercises on such Macro
                                   Economic variables like  interest rate  prevailing in the economy,  growth rate  experienced,
                                   investment and credit off take, et al. besides of course the impact on availability and dearness of
                                   factors of production.

                                   Becoming dearer is the compulsive fallout on the financial sector which is expected to open the
                                   limes of futures trading and other future oriented investment opportunities to meet the present
                                   glut of uncertainty. While the above factors do sound alarming, the same are performing decently
                                   when compared to the 1991 standards.
                                   Inflation and its fallout on the industry can be studied by understanding its affect on the following.

                                   Inflation and Profitability

                                   Uncertainty about costs and rates of return induced by very rapidly rising prices may well lead
                                   to  cutbacks in capital investment  programmes and this is one of  the reasons why we find
                                   inflation and recession together. There may also be squeezes on fixed investment in so far as
                                   stock building pre-empts whatever liquid resources are available.
                                   Other reasons for the combination of  inflation and recession are associated with the lags  in
                                   reactions to government policies. We find that the prices continue to rise after monetary and
                                   fiscal action has been taken to cut down the level of demand. Hence, the short-term effect of
                                   attempts to contain inflation may well be reductions in output and employment whilst, for a
                                   time, prices are propelled forward by their existing momentum.

                                   Inflation and Labour Productivity

                                   One of the major consequences of inflation is that  it is marked with labour unrest. Average
                                   number of days (in million) lost in industrial disputes in India have been as follows:

                                                           1991-92           34.57
                                                           1992-93           22.97
                                                           1993-94           20.44
                                                           1995-96           19.20

                                   The  private corporate sector, especially  the capital  intensive ones worry about the effect of
                                   strikes on their profit record and their ability to raise capital in the future.

                                   Inflation, Taxation and the Private Corporate Sector

                                   When the tax rates are at very low levels the fact that corporation taxes are levied on a profit
                                   concept which does not allow for replacement cost of fixed assets or inventories may not be very
                                   important; and similarly with personal income tax rates for incorporated businesses or taxation
                                   of nominal capital gains for any type of business. But when business firms have to face tax rates
                                   at high levels and inflation is proceeding apace, the situation is entirely different. The drastic
                                   effects of inflation plus taxation are compared below.

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