P. 35
Banking Theory and Practice
Notes 2.6 Review Questions
1. What is the role of banks in a developing economy?
2. Explain the role of banks in Indian economy.
3. Discuss the concept of financial inclusion.
4. Explain, in detail, the financial inclusion in India.
5. Write short note on monetization.
6. What are the steps taken by RBI to achieve greater financial inclusion?
7. What is the role of financial inclusion in economic growth in Indian scenario?
8. What do you mean by ABC of financial inclusion?
9. Explain business facilitator model.
10. Discuss business correspondent model.
Answers: Self Assessment
1. Backbones 2. Underdeveloped
3. Developed 4. New
5. Dynamic 6. Productive
7. Innovate, invest 8. Special; seed
9. financing role 10. Catalytic
11. Overdrafts 12. Facilitators
13. 2003 14. Grievance Redressal
15. K C Chakraborthy
16. business facilitators and business coordinators.
2.7 Further Readings
Books Hajols. T. N (2009), “Money and Banking”, Gopaljee Enterprises.
Muraleedharan, D (2009), “Modern Banking: Theory and Practice”, PHI Learning
Pvt. Ltd.
Rajesh, R, Sivagnanansithi, T (2009), “Banking Theory: Law and Practice”, Tata
McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd.
Shekhar, K C (2009), “Banking Theory and Practice”, Vikas Publishing House
Pvt. Ltd.