P. 127
Quantitative Techniques-II
Notes 7.3.1 Importance of Questionnaire in MR
To study:
1. Behaviour, past and present.
2. Demographic characteristics such as age, sex, income, occupation.
3. Attitudes and opinions.
4. Level of knowledge.
7.3.2 Developing a Good Questionnaire
1. It must be simple. The respondents should be able to understand the questions.
2. It must generate replies that can be easily be recorded by the interviewer.
3. It should be specific, so as to allow the interviewer to keep the interview to the point.
4. It should be well arranged, to facilitate analysis and interpretation.
5. It must keep the respondent interested throughout.
7.3.3 Types of Questionnaires
1. Structured and non-disguised
2. Structured and disguised
3. Non-structured and Disguised
4. Non-structured and Non-disguised
1. Structured and Non-disguised Questionnaire: Here, questions are structured so as to obtain
the facts. The interviewer will ask the questions strictly in accordance with the pre-arranged
Example: What are the strengths of soap A in comparison with soap B?
Cost is less
Lasts longer
Better fragrance
Produces more lather
Available in more convenient sizes
Structured and non-disguised questionnaire is widely used in market research. Questions
are presented with exactly the same wording and same order to all respondents. The
reason for standardizing the question is to ensure that all respondents reply the same
question. The purpose of the question is clear. The researcher wants the respondent to
choose one of the five options given above. This type of questionnaire is easy to administer.
The respondents have no difficulty in answering, because it is structured, the frame of
reference is obvious.
In a non-disguised type, the purpose of the questionnaire is known to the respondent.