P. 44

Unit 2: Introduction to Research

                  2.   Whether to change the compensation package of the sales force.             Notes

                  3.   Whether to increase the expenditure on print advertisement.
              B.   Given the following research problem, identify the corresponding decision problem
                   for which the information will be useful:

                  1.   Assess the level of awareness among housewives regarding the benefits of
                       introducing a new product in the market.
                  2.   Assess attitudes and opinions of customers towards existing five-star hotels.

                  3.   Design a test market to assess the effect of particular discount scheme on the
                       volume of sales of the product.

            Self Assessment

            Fill in the blanks:

            12.  While selecting the sample, the ……..has to be clearly specified.
            13.  ………..means assigning numbers to each of the answers, so that they can be analysed.

            2.10 Summary

                Research originates in a decision process.

                In research process, management problem is converted into a research problem which is
                 the major objective of the study.
                The goal of research is to find out answers to questions through the application of
                 systematic and scientific way.

                Scientific research is  one which yields the same results when repeated by different
                Research process is the main content of marketing research.

                A research problem refers to some difficulty which an organisation faces and wishes to
                 obtain a solution for the same.
                Defining a research problem is the fuel that drives the scientific process, and is the foundation
                 of any research method and experimental design, from true experiment to case study.
                Research methodology is a method to solve the research problem systematically.
                Problem  formulation  is  the  key  to  research  process.  For  a  researcher,  the  problem
                 formulation means converting the management problem to a research problem.
            2.11 Keywords

            Research Problem: A research problem refers to some difficulty which an organisation faces and
            wishes to obtain a solution for the same.

            Research Process: Research process is the main content of marketing research. It defines marketing
            research and describes the skills required to identify the problem, the decision alternatives, and
            the client’s needs, which are critical components of a research activities.

            Research: Research is an art of scientific investigation. It is also a systematic design, collection,
            analysis and the reporting the findings and solutions for the marketing problems of a company.

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