P. 108

Unit 5: Transportation Problem

          In  the  above  LP  problem,  there  are  m  x  n  =  3  x  3  =  9  decision  variables  and  Notes
          m + n = 3 + 3 = 6 constraints.

          5.4 Maximization Transportation Problem

          In  this type of problem, the objective is to maximize the  total profit or return. In this case,
          convert the maximization problem into minimization by subtracting all the unit cost from the
          highest unit cost given in the table and solve.

                 Example: A manufacturing company has four plants situated at different locations, all
          producing the same product. The manufacturing cost varies at each plant due to internal and
          external factors. The size of each plant varies, and hence the production capacities also vary. The
          cost and capacities at different locations are given in the following table:
                             Table  5.4: Cost  and Capacity of Different  Plants

             Particulars                                  Plant
                                         A           B           C           D
             Production cost  per unit (Rs.)   18    17          15          12
             Capacity                   150          250         100         70

          The company has five warehouses. The demands at these warehouses and the transportation
          costs per unit are given in the Table 5.5 below. The selling price per unit is ` 30.

                                   Table  5.5: Transportation  Problem

               Warehouse              Transportation cost (Rs) — Unit-wise       Demand
                              A          B           C           D
                   1          6          9            5           3          100
                   2          8          10           7           7          200
                   3          2          6            3           8          120
                   4          11         6            2           9          80
                   5          3          4            8          10          70

          1.   Formulate the problem to maximize profits.

          2.   Find the total profit.
          1.   The objective is to maximize the profits. Formulation of transportation problem as profit
               matrix table is shown in Table 5.6. The profit values are arrived as follows.
               Profit = Selling Price –Production cost –Transportation cost

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