P. 32

Financial Management

                                     Year                           1998    1999   2000    2001    2002    2003
                                     Dividend per share ( )          21      22     25      26      28     31

                                                         21 (1 + r) 5  = 31
                                                            (1 + r) 5  = 31 / 21 = 1.476
                                    Notes: See the compound value one rupee Table for 5 years (total years - one year) till you find
                                    the closest value to the compound factor, after finding the closest value, see first above it to get
                                    the growth rate.

                                        Task  Determine the rate of growth of the following stream of dividends a person has
                                       received from a company:

                                                           Year           Dividend (per share) (Rs)
                                                            1                      2.50
                                                            2                      2.60
                                                            3                      2.74
                                                            4                      2.88
                                                            5                      3.04

                                    Doubling Period
                                    Doubling period is the time required, to double the amount invested at a given rate of interest.
                                    For example, if you deposit   10,000 at 6 per cent interest, and it takes 12 years to double the
                                    amount. (see compound value for one rupee table at 6 per cent till you find the closest value
                                    to 2).
                                    Doubling period can be computed by adopting two rules, namely:
                                    1.   Rule of 72 : To get doubling period 72 is divided by interest rate.
                                                          Doubling period (Dp) = 72 ÷ I
                                                                           I = Interest rate

                                                                         Dp = Doubling period in years
                                              Example: If you deposit   500 today at 10 per cent rate of interest, in how many years
                                         will this amount double?

                                         Dp = 72 ÷ I = 72 ÷ 10 = 7.2 years (approx.)
                                    2.   Rule of 69: Rule of 72 may not give the exact doubling period, but rule of 69 gives a more
                                         accurate doubling period. The formula to calculate the doubling period is:
                                                                         Dp = 0.35 + 69 / I

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