P. 4

                                               Financial Management

          Objectives: To make the students aware regarding the basic concepts of financial management i.e capital budgeting, cost of
          capital, sources of finance, capital structure etc.
                                           DMGT405 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT
             Sr. No.                                         Description
               1.     Financial Management: Meaning , Objective and scope, Finance functions – Investment, financing and
                      dividend decisions, Financial goal- Profit Maximization vs. Wealth
               2.     Concept of time value of money: Present & future value of annuities & Single Amount, perpetuity, Growth
                      rate calculations
               3.     Source of Finance: Short term and long term Source of Finance, Leasing as a Source of Finance
               4.     Concept of economic value added
               5.     Risk and return analysis: Risk Measurement
               6.     Cost of Capital: Concept and its significance, Measurement of cost of capital of various source of funds,
                      Weighted average cost of capital
               7.     Capital structure decision: theories of Capital Structure, Optimum Capital Structure Leverage: Operating
                      and Financial Leverage
               8.     Capital budgeting: Meaning and Process, Methods of analyze capital budgeting decisions, Capital rationing,
                      Capital decision under risk and uncertainty
               9.     Working Capital: Concept and significance, Determining working capital requirements, Management of
                      Inventory , debtors and cash, Financing of working capital needs
               10.    Management of surplus: Retained earning and dividend policy, Theories of dividend, Forms of dividend and
                      corporate dividend behavior.
                                           DCOM406 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT

            Sr. No.                                        Description
              1.     Financial management:  meaning, scope and objectives
                     Financial decision making and planning: objectives types and steps in financial planning; Investment,
                     financing and dividend decisions

              2.     Time value of money: compounding  and discounting  techniques.
              3.     Capital Budgeting: methods, capital rationing, risk and uncertainty  in capital budgeting decisions
              4.     Sources of finance: short-term  and long-term, leasing as a source of finance
              5.     Capital structure decisions: theories of capital structure, optimum capital structure
              6.     Cost of capital: Significance  and computation  of cost of capital equity, preference,  debt and retained
                     earnings, weighted average cost of capital
              7.     Leverage: operating, financial and combined.
              8.     Working capital: concept, significance  and determinants,  sources of working capital, Inventory
              9.     Cash and receivable management,
              10.    Dividend  Policy:  theories  and forms  of dividend,  controversy  over supremacy  between  dividend  and
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