P. 9

Unit 1: Introduction to Financial Management

                            Income  Statement  and Topics  in  Financial  Management

            Self Assessment
            Fill in the blanks:
            1.   In  the  earlier  years,  financial  manageemnt  was  treated  synonymously  with  the
            2.   Financial management broader scope includes efficient use of resources in addition to the
            3.   Current liabilities are associated with ............................... financing policy.
            4.   ............................... profit margin is obtained by deducting cost of goods sold from net sales.

            1.2 Goals/Objectives of Financial Management—Profit Maximization
                 vs. Wealth Maximization

            Traditional Approach—Profit Maximization
            It has been traditionally argued that the objective of a company is to earn profit. This means that
            the  finance manager has to make decision  in a  manner that  the profit  is maximised.  Each
            alternative, therefore, is to be seen as to whether or not it gives maximum profit.
            Profit maximization objective gives rise to a number of problems as below:

            1.   Profit maximization concept should be considered in relation to risks involved. There is a
                 direct relationship between risk and  profit. Many  risky propositions yield high profit.
                 Higher the risk, higher is the possibility of profits. If profit maximization is the only goal,
                 then risk factor is altogether ignored.

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