P. 89

Unit 5: Risk and Return Analysis

               Return %      -10     -15      5       12      10      20      13
               Probability   0.03    0.02    0.15     0.25    0.3     0.1     0.05

              Now after getting all  the details, what would  you suggest,  whether to  invest  in  the
              securities or not and what would be your expected rate  of return  & risk  in terms  of
              standard deviation. Also give your comments based on the average rate of return, variance
              and beta value for the company’s securities.

            5.6 Summary

                Risk is the chance of financial loss.
                Some risks directly affect both finance managers and the shareholders whereas some risks
                 are from specific and some are shareholders specific.
                Sensitivity analysis and probability distribution can be used to assess the general level of
                 risk associated with a single asset.

                Probability distribution provides a more quantitative insight into an assets risk.
                The risk of asset in addition to range can be measured quantitatively by using statistical
                 methods – the standard deviation and the co-efficient of variation.

                The coefficient  of variation (CV) is  a measure of relative  dispension that  is useful  in
                 comparing the risk of assets with differing expected returns

                The risk of a portfolio can be measured in terms of variance or standard deviation.
                The correlation coefficient will always be between +1 and –1.
                The part of the risk that can be totally reduced through diversification is called unsystematic
                 risk and the part of the risk that cannot be reduced through diversification is called systematic
                Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) provides a framework for measuring the systematic
                 risk of an individual security and relates it to  the systematic  risk of  a well diversified

            5.7 Keywords

            Beta:  It  is a  measure of  the  systematic  risk of a  security  that cannot  be avoided  through
            Correlation: It is a statistical measure that indicates the relationship between series of number
            representing anything from cash flows to test data.
            Covariance: It is the measure of their co-movement, expressing the degree to which the securities
            vary  together.
            Non-systematic Risk: The variability in a security is total returns not related to overall market

            Portfolio: It is a collection of securities
            Risk: Probability that the expected return from the security will not materialize.
            Systematic Risk: Variability in a security is total returns that are directly associated with overall
            movements in the general market or economy is called systematic risk.

                                             LOVELY PROFESSIONAL UNIVERSITY                                   83
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