P. 91

Unit 5: Risk and Return Analysis

            Answers: Self Assessment                                                              Notes

            1.   financial              2.  Return                 3.  risk indifferent
            4.   probability distribution  5.   probability  distribution  6.  coefficient of variation
            7.   weightage average      8.  optimal                9.  variance

            10.  correlation            11.  systematic            12. correlation coefficient
            13.  Beta                   14.  risk premium          15. CAPM

            5.9 Further Readings

             Books      Dr Pradeep Kumar Sinha, Financial Management, New Delhi, Excel Books, 2009.
                        Van Horne, J.C. and Wachowicz, Jr, J.M., Fundamentals of Financial Management,
                        New Delhi, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., 1996, p. 2.
                        Chandra, P., Financial Management—Theory and Practice, New Delhi, Tata McGraw
                        Hill Publishing Company Ltd., 2002, p. 3.

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