P. 84
Unit 5: Unemployment in India
Financial Crisis: A loss of confidence in a country’s currency or other financial assets causing Notes
international investors to withdraw their funds from the country.
Industrialization: The process in which a society or country (or world) transforms itself from a
primarily agricultural society into one based on the manufacturing of goods and services.
Production: The action of making or manufacturing from components or raw materials, or the
process of being so manufactured.
Productivity: Productivity is the ratio of output to inputs in production.
5.12 Review Questions
1. Write a short note on the status of unemployment in India.
2. Discuss the measures to improve the condition on unemployment in India.
3. What are the issues that are faced by India as a developing country?
Answers: Self Assessment
1. Agriculture 2. Unemployment
3. 60% 4. economically backwards
5. Prime Minister’s Rozgar Yojana (PMRY) 6. Swarnajayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana
7. DIC 8. Occupational immobility
5.13 Further Readings
Books Datt and Sundharam.(2008), Indian Economy, S Chand and Company, New Delhi
Misra S.K and Puri (2009), Indian Economy, Himalaya Publication, New Delhi
Kapila Uma (2008), India Economy, Academic Foundation Publication, New Delhi
Gupta K.C. and Kaur Harinder, (2004) New Indian Economy and Reform, Deep and
Deep Publication, New Delhi
Online link