P. 10

Unit 1: Introduction to Accounting

          The main differences between financial accounting and cost accounting are given as under:  Notes
                        Table 1.2: Financial Accounting vs. Management Accounting

             Sl.No  Point of Difference  Financial Accounting   Management Accounting
             1.    Objectives      The supply of information about   Information is supplied with the
                                   the enterprise through P&L A/c   purpose of making decisions –
                                   and balance sheet to outside   for internal use only.
                                   parties – Mainly for external use.
             2.    Analysis of     It extends over the total   It deals with detailed analysis of
                   performance     performance of the fi rm in   performance of each and every
                                   general.                  department of the organisation.
             3.    Utilisation of Data  It handles only the past data of   It envisages the future policies
                                   the enterprise.           and plans.
             4.    Nature          It is a measurement of    It is a judgment of
                                   performance, i.e. more objective.  performance—more subjective.
             5.    Accuracy of results  It has to ensure the accuracy   It need not, instead it is mainly
                                   forever.                  for internal use depends upon
             6.    Legal responsibility  Compulsory for joint stock   It is not compulsory but
                                   companies – Accounting period   optional.
             7.    Limitation on   It provides room only for the   It considers both monetary and
                   transactions    monetary transactions.    non- monetary transactions at
                                                             a time together—Qualitative
                                                             changes are considered.
             8.    Exercise the path of   Being the contributory of past   It is able to highlight the
                   control         information; not able to monitor   deviations of the actual from the
                                   the plans properly.       plans and earmark the reasons
                                                             for the deviations.

              Task  Prepare the proforma of key  fi nancial statements prepared under  fi nancial
             accounting and cost accounting.

          Self Assessment

          Fill in the blanks:
          4.   The fundamental principles of ……………… are applicable in financial accounting as well

               as cost accounting.
          5.   ……………… deals with detailed analysis of performance of each and every department of
               the organisation.
          6.   Main purpose of ……………… is to ascertain the cost.
          7.   ……………… uses only quantitative information pertaining to the transactions.
          8.   The causes for losses and wastages of a business or industry are provided by ………………
               and cost accounting.
          9.   Few authorities of accounting consider cost accounting to be the branch of ………………

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