P. 4

                                       Essentials of Organisation Behaviour

          Objectives: To develop the capabilities of understanding, predicting and evaluating human behaviour in organisations at
          individual, group and organisational level; To inculcate people management skills amongst budding professionals.

            Sr. No.                                         Description
             1.   Foundations of Organisational  Behaviour: The nature and determinants of organisational behaviour, Roles & Functions of
                  Managers & need for knowledge of OB, contributing disciplines to the field, Hawthorne studies
             2.   Individual Differences: Individual characteristics, differences and significance Learning – Theories & Behaviour Modification,
                  Values, Attitude, Cognitive Dissonance Theory
             3.   Personality: Determinants, Trait Theory, MBTI, Big Five model,
                  Emotions: Affective events theory & Emotional Intelligence;
                  Perception: Perceptual process, Attribution theory, Frequently used shortcuts in judging others, Individual Decision Making &
                  Perceptual errors,
             4.   Work Motivation:  Early Theories (Mc. Gregor’s Theory X & Y, Abraham Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory, Herzberg’s Two
                  Factor Theory), Contemporary Theories (McClellend’s 3 Needs Theory, Goal setting theory,  Equity theory, Expectancy theory,
                  Reinforcement theory), Application of Motivation Theories.
             5.   Group Behaviour: Types of Groups, Stages of Group Development, Group Decision Making, Group Properties: Roles, Norms,
                  Status, Size and cohesiveness, Hawthorne Studies
             6.   Understanding Teamwork: Types of Teams, Creating Effective teams, Turning individuals into team players, Role of Emotional
                  Intelligence in team work
             7.   Current Issues in Organizational Communication: Gender and Cross cultural issues, Politically Correct Communication
             8.   Leadership: Basic Approaches – Trait Theories, Behavioural Theories & Contingency Theories, LMX theory, Leadership Styles,
                  Contemporary issues in leadership, Trust and leadership, Influence of National Culture on Leadership style.
             9.   Organisational Culture: Types of organisational culture, creating and sustaining culture, Changing Organizational Culture;
                  Change Management: overcoming resistance to change, Lewin’s three stage model;
                  Stress Management: Sources and consequences of stress, stress management, role of personality in stress management.
                  Conflict Management : types of conflict, conflict process, negotiation
             10.   Power and Politics: Basis of Power, Power Tactics, Responses to Organizational Politics and Ethics of Political Behaviour

                                          DCOM401 ORGANISATION BEHAVIOUR
            Sr. No.                                           Topics
              1.   Foundations of Organizational Behaviour: - The nature and determinants of organizational behavior , Roles & Functions of
                   Managers & need for knowledge of OB, contributing disciplines to the field
              2.   Individual Behaviour: Biographical characteristics, Ability, Learning: Theories of Learning (Classical Conditioning, Operant
                   Conditioning, Social Learning)
                   Values, attitudes & Job satisfaction
              3.   Personality: Determinants, Personality Testing: Myers Briggs Type Indicator, Big Five Model. Emotions, Emotional Intelligence.
                   Perception & Individual Decision Making
              4.   Work Motivation : Early Theories (Mc. Gregor’s Theory X & Y , Abraham Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory , Herzberg’s Two
                   Factor Theory) & Contemporary Theories (Mc. Clelland’s 3 Needs Theory , Alderfer’s ERG Theory , Adam’s Equity Theory &
                   Vroom’s Expectancy Theory, Goal Setting Theory) & Applications of Motivation Theories
              5.   Group Behaviour : Types of Groups, Stages of Group Development, Group Decision Making, Group Properties Understanding
                   Teamwork: Types of Teams, Creating Effective teams, Turning individuals in team players.
              6.   Current issues in organizational communication: Gender  and Cross Cultural issues, Politically correct communications
              7.   Leadership:  Basic Approaches (Trait Theories, Behavioral  Theories &  Contingency  Theories), Transactional vs.
                   Transformational leaders, Charismatic leaders.
              8.   Conflict: Transition  in  conflict  thought,  the  conflict process, conflict and negotiation:  bargaining strategies, transactional
                   analysis as a tool for conflict management
                   Negotiation process, issues in negotiation. Power and Politics.
              9.   Organizational Change & Stress Management: Forces for Change, types of change, resistance to change, Lewin’s 3 step model
                   for managing planned change, Contemporary change issues
             10.   Stress management: Sources of stress, individual differences, stress management techniques
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