P. 154

Financial Management

                      Notes         If the current ratio is to be maintained at 2, each increase in sales must result in a two-fold rise in
                                    the current assets as compared to current liabilities. But, this does not happen with the same
                                    amount of funds, hence a fall in the current ration.

                                       Caution  It needs to be ensured that when capital turnover ratio is sought to be increased,
                                       its effect on the working capital situation is to be carefully considered.
                                    If the current ratio and the acid test ratio are high, it is apparent that the capital turnover ratio can
                                    be increased without any problem. However, it may be very risky to increase capital turnover
                                    ratio when the working capital position is not satisfactory.

                                    Self Assessment
                                    Fill in the blanks:
                                    12.  Combined leverage is equals to …………..leverage multiplied by financial leverage.

                                    13.  Combined leverage is viewed as the total impact of the ………..cost in the firms operating
                                         and financial structure.
                                    14.  A high operating leverage and a high financial leverage combination is………………...
                                    15.  The ………..nature of the leverage relationship accounts for the fact that sales charges of
                                         equal magnitude in opposite directions results in EPS charges of equal magnitude in the
                                         corresponding direction


                                       Case Study  Case: RKV – Leverage

                                          his case provides the reader with the opportunity to apply different concepts of leverage
                                       Tto the planning process of the firm.
                                       RKV is an important manufacturer of  swimming pools. The firm  is located  in a semi-
                                       urban area. The firm’s primary markets are hardware and discount stores located in five
                                       Northeastern states. Lucid products reach its market mostly by truck.
                                       Most of RKV’s financial planning is done by George Lee, GM of finance. Lee has recently
                                       prepared financial statements estimating next year’s operating results. He believes that,
                                       the firm will earn just  over $800,000  in the current year  on sales  of $8 million and is
                                       forecasting sales of $13 million next year. It is likely, that variable costs will remain at
                                       approximately the same percentage of sales next year as this year. Fixed costs will probably
                                       rise to 12 per cent next year.
                                       Company A has an EBIT of $2.6 million, no debt, $8 in equity (300,000 shares), $18 million.
                                       Company B has the same level of sales, an EBIT of $2.85 million, $3.3 and sales of debt at
                                       11 per cent, and $8 in equity (300,000 shares). The tax rate is 35 per cent.
                                       RKV has been investigating the addition of  a number of new product lines to be sold
                                       through its existing distribution channels. Two items have been of particular interest. The
                                       first would involve the production and sale of chaise lounges for use around swimming
                                       pools. The product would be aimed at commercial users, such as hotels, but could be sold
                                       through hardware  and discount stores as a residential product. The second new item
                                       would be a patio umbrella. The umbrella would be a large, 12-rib, multicolored canvas
                                       with fringe and would be aimed at the residential market. Both products would fit in with
                                       RKV’s existing product line and neither would require any increase in networking capital.

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