P. 157

Unit 8: Concept of Leverages

            8.7 Review Questions                                                                  Notes

            1.   What is meant by the term leverage? How are operating leverage, financial leverage and
                 total leverage related to the income statement?

            2.   What is operating break-even point? How do charges in fixed operating costs, the sale
                 price per unit and the variable operating cost per unit affect it?
            3.   What is operating leverage? What causes it? How is the degree of operating leverage
            4.   What is financial leverage? What causes it? How is the degree of financial leverage
            5.   What is the general relationship among operating leverage, financial leverage and the
                 total leverage of the firm? Do these types of leverage complement each other? Why or
                 why not?
            6.   A firm has sales of   7500,000, variable cost of   42,00,000 and fixed cost of   6,00,000. It has
                 a debt of   45,00,000 @ 9% and equity of   55,00,000.
                 (a)  What is the firm’s ROI?
                 (b)  Does it have favorable financial leverage?
                 (c)  What are the operating financial and combined leverages of the firm?

                 (d)  If the sales drop to   500,00,000, what will be the new EBIT?
            7.   The capital structure of P Company consists of ordinary share capital of   10,00,000 (shares
                 of   100 per value) and   10,00,000 of 10% debentures. Sales increased by 20% from 100,000
                 to 120,000 units; the selling price is   10 per unit, variable costs amount to   6 per unit and
                 fixed expenses amount to   200,000. The income tax rate is 50%.  You are required to
                 calculate the following :
                 (a)  The percentage increase in earnings per share
                 (b)  The degree of financial leverage at 100,000 units and 120,000 units.

                 (c)  The degree of operating leverage of 100,000 and 120,000 units.
            8.   The selected financial data A, B & C Companies for the year ending 31st December, 2004
                 are as follows:

                                                        A            B           C
                   Variable expenses on % of sales       66 2/3          75          50
                   Interest expenses                        200          300        1000
                   Degree of operating leverage             5-1         6-1          2-1
                   Degree of financial leverage             3-1         4-1          2-1
                   Income tax rate.                        50%          50%         50%

                 Prepare income statement for A, B and C
            9.   X Corporation has estimated that for a new product its break-even point is 2,000 units of
                 P. This item is sold for 14%( identified variable cost   7 per unit). Calculate the degree of
                 operating leverage for sales volume of 2,500 units and 3,000 units. What do you infer from
                 the degree of operating leverage at the sales volume of 2,500 units and 3,000 units and
                 their differences, if any?

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