P. 107

Human Resource Management

                    Notes          Validity: The relationship between scores on a selection tool and a relevant criterion such as job

                                   6.10 Review Questions

                                   1.  Explain in brief the  various selection  techniques  in general. Outline those   selection
                                       techniques which are popularly used in India.
                                   2.  What is testing in selection? Explain its validity and reliability in the selection process.

                                   3.  What types of tests do you adopt for selecting mechanical engineers in a large tool making
                                   4.  As  jobs become more team  oriented, assessment  centres will  be used  more often  for
                                       management jobs. Do you agree or disagree?
                                   5.  If you were interviewing a promising candidate but  he seemed nervous, what actions
                                       might you consider to calm the candidate?

                                   6.  "The most efficient solution to the problem of interview validity is to do away with the
                                       interview and substitute paper and pencil measures." Do you agree or disagree? Explain.
                                   7.  "Even though interviews are not reliable, they are heavily used." Discuss why this selection
                                       device still rates very highly when it is known that it is unreliable.
                                   8.  Orientation is required when the selection policy is defective. When employees are selected
                                       properly, they do not need to be oriented. Do you agree or disagree? Why?
                                   9.  Explain the terms 'placement' and 'induction'. Outline their objectives.
                                   10.  What are the components of an employee induction programme? Why it is important in
                                       an organization?

                                   Answers: Self  Assessment

                                   1.  (v)                               2.   (iv)
                                   3.  (iii)                             4.   F
                                   5.  T                                 6.   T

                                   7.  T                                 8.   F
                                   9.  T                                 10.  F
                                   11.  T                                12.  T
                                   13.  T                                14.  T

                                   15.  T
                                   6.11 Further Readings

                                   Books       Aswathapa, K. (2008), Human Resource Management, 5th ed., Tata McGraw Hill.
                                               Dipak  Kumar Bhattacharyya, Human Resource Management, Excel Books.
                                               French, W.L.  (1990), Human Resource Management, 4th ed., Houghton  Miffin,

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