P. 267
Human Resource Mangement
Task Do you think India has any potentiality in world BP HRO market?
15.3 Understanding of Human Emotion for Effective Management
Although not traditionally considered an aspect of cognitive science, it has recently been attributed
to be effective on rational decision-making. Predominant theories about emotion explain it as
either making judgments, or having bodily reactions, or the combination of the two. Judgments
are made, (such as satisfaction from the outcome of hard work,) and/or bodily reactions (such as
sweating from fear of a task, or nervousness) take place based on a person's interactions or
Did u know? What is Emotion?
Emotion is a positive or negative mental state that combines physiological input with
cognitive appraisal.
Emotion should not be mistaken as mood, which can be described as prolonged, but not
necessarily directed emotion. Rather, emotion is usually characterized as affective, short-
lived, relatively intense, and thought process interrupting (Grandey et al). It can also be
said that emotions are tied to how their stimuli are represented. A concept presented with
a positive association can cause different emotion than if presented with a negative
Did u know? What is Emotional Intelligence?
It is the emotional awareness and emotional management skills that provide the ability to
balance emotion and reason, so as to maximize our long-term happiness.
We have all heard of IQ (Intelligence Quotient), which measures our intellectual ability and
often predicts school performance. However, the idea of Emotional Intelligence or Emotional
Quotient (EQ) is not as well-known or understood even though it may determine as much as
80% of a person's life success. IQ determines about 20%.
The idea is that EI influences success in all areas of life, performance or productivity. It determines
who excel in any given job and what is the basis of outstanding leadership.
EI looks at how one handles himself and his relations. Negative emotion or distress erodes the
mental abilities and decreases EI. The percentage of time individuals feel negative emotions at
work is one of the strongest predictors of dissatisfaction and how likely they are to quit, in
addition to this dissonance or lack of harmony in an environment lowers productivity and
15.3.1 How improving EI Increases Professional Effectiveness
Improving your Emotional Intelligence helps you be more effective in your career and have a
more fulfilling personal life because it:
1. Motivates you to do your best
2. Strengthens trust to build productive relationships