P. 11
Unit 1: Introduction to Research
Notes The research process itself involves identifying, locating, assessing, analyzing, and
then developing and expressing your ideas. These are the same skills you will need
outside the academic world when you write a report or proposal for your boss.
There are nine steps in the research process, that can be followed while designing a research
project. They are as follows:
1. Formulate the problem
2. Evaluate the cost of research
3. Prepare the list of information
4. Research design decision
5. Data collection
6. Select the sample type
7. Determine the sample size
8. Organize the field work
9. Analyze the data and report preparation
Defining the research problem and formulation of hypothesis are the hardest steps in the research
1.3.1 Problem Formulation
Problem formulation is the key to research process. For a researcher, problem formulation
means converting the management problem to a research problem. In order to attain clarity, the
MR manager and researcher must articulate clearly so that perfect understanding of each others
is achieved.
While problem is being formulated, the following should be taken into account:
1. Determine the objective of the study
2. Consider various environment factors
3. Nature of the problem
4. State the alternative
1. Determine the objective: Objective may be general or specific. General - Would like to
know, how effective was the advertising campaign.
The above looks like a statement with objective. In reality, it is far from it. There are two
ways of finding out the objectives precisely. (a) The researcher should clarify with the MR
manager "What effective means". Does effective mean, awareness or does it refer to sales
increase or does it mean, it has improved the knowledge of the audience, or the perception
of audience about the product. In each of the above circumstances, the questions to be
asked from audience varies (b) Another way to find objectives is to find out from the MR
Manager, "What action will be taken, given the specified outcome of the study.”