P. 161

Unit 8: Descriptive Statistics

                            (  +  )M  = L   + U   = L   + (L  + h)   (where U  = L  + h)  Notes
                              1   2  o   m  2  m  1  m  2  m    1        m   m
                                      = (  +   ) L  +   h
                                         1   2  m   1
          Dividing both sides by   +  , we have
                              1   2
                                        L +    1  ´  h
                                   M  =  m   +                                  ...(1)
                                     o       1   2
          By slight adjustment, the above formula can also be written in terms of the upper limit (U ) of
          the modal class.
                                                             é       ù
                                   M  = U – h +    1  ´  h =  U – 1 -  1  ú  ´ h
                                     o   m       +       m  ë   +  2 û
                                                 1  2              1
                                                é       ù
                                             =  U –  ê  2  ´  h ú                 ...(2)
                                             m    + 
                                                ë  1  2  û
          Replacing    by f  – f  and    by f  – f , the above equations can be written as
                    1   m  1      2   m  2
                                              f -  f
                                   M  = L +    m  1   ´  h                        ...(3)
                                     o   m  2 f -  f -  f
                                              m  1  2
                                               f -  f
          and                      M  = U –    m   2  ´  h                        ...(4)
                                            2 f -  f -  f  2
                                     o   m

             Notes  The above formulae are applicable only to a unimodal frequency distribution.

          8.2.6 Relation between Mean, Median and Mode

          The relationship between the above measures of central tendency will be interpreted in terms of
          a continuous frequency curve.
          If  the  number  of  observations of  a frequency  distribution  are  increased  gradually,  then
          accordingly, we need to have more  number of classes, for approximately the same range  of
          values  of  the variable, and simultaneously,  the width  of the  corresponding classes  would
          decrease. Consequently, the histogram of the frequency distribution will get transformed into
          a smooth frequency curve, as shown in Figure 8.5.
          For a given distribution, the mean is the value of the variable which is the point of balance or
          centre of gravity of the distribution. The median is the value such that half of the observations
          are below it and remaining half are above it. In terms of the frequency curve, the total area under
          the curve is divided into two equal parts by the ordinate at median. Mode of a distribution is a
          value around which there is maximum concentration of observations and is given by the point
          at which peak of the curve occurs.
          For  a symmetrical  distribution,  all  the three  measures of  central  tendency  are  equal  i.e.
          X =  M d =  M o ,  as shown in Figure 8.6.

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